我正在尝试使用 LAPACK geqp3 函数进行带有旋转的 QR 分解,但结果是错误的。我尝试了将近两天,但无法弄清楚问题所在。我将结果与 Matlab 和 Python CvxOpt 进行了比较,两者都相同,并且都在内部使用 geqp3 LPACK 例程。
> Blockquote A =
-0.9586 -0.8171 -0.6033 1.1895 1.3031 -0.0759
1.9877 1.0979 0.7795 -0.7164 -0.0505 -0.2412
0.2328 0.2210 0.9401 0.0691 0.1082 -0.8700
0.2808 0.9539 0.0198 -0.2278 -1.1498 -0.3127
0.1335 1.2238 0.5449 0.2712 -0.7684 -2.5430
0.3996 -0.5725 0.7090 -1.2492 0.5508 -1.0513
-0.3073 0.2512 -1.2444 0.1169 -1.1271 0.6893
0.3238 -0.8187 2.7957 0.3582 1.8493 -1.5166
0.6406 -0.4428 -0.1864 -1.0097 0.6713 0.7002
void fReadMtrx(string f, double *mtrx, int nrow, int ncol){
ifstream data(f.c_str(), ios::in);
if (!data) {
cerr << "File " << f << " could not be opened." << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
data >> mtrx[j*nrow+i];
void showMtrx(double *mtrx, int nrow, int ncol){
for (int i = 0; i < nrow; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ncol; j++) {
cout << mtrx[j*nrow+i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int m = 9;
int n = 6;
//allocate and read in a
double* a = new double[m*n];
fReadMtrx("A.dat", a, m, n);
cout << endl << "a:" << endl;
showMtrx(a, m, n);
int ldA = m;
double wl;
int lwork;
int info;
// QR decomposition
lwork = -1;
dgeqp3_(&m, &n, NULL, &ldA, NULL, NULL, &wl, &lwork, &info);
lwork = (int)wl;
double* work = new double[lwork];
int* jpvt_ptr = new int[n];
double* tau = new double[n];
dgeqp3_(&m, &n, a, &ldA, jpvt_ptr,tau,(double *)work, &lwork, &info);
cout << endl << "QR:" << endl;
showMtrx(a, m, n);
return 0;
当我使用 geqp3 例程执行 QR 分解时,它给了我这个结果。
QR :
2.4063 1.0778 1.6110 -1.5135 -0.0642 -0.7111
-0.5907 2.1035 -1.1498 0.4283 -2.6023 -0.6335
-0.0692 -0.0423 2.8526 0.7086 0.9759 -2.7723
-0.0835 -0.3745 -0.0332 1.3431 0.8472 0.5267
-0.0397 -0.5405 -0.3887 -0.3816 0.7893 -1.2573
-0.1188 0.3753 -0.1044 0.9602 -0.0370 1.1425
0.0913 -0.1996 0.4502 -0.1306 2.1257 -0.1959
-0.0962 0.4710 -1.1228 0.0682 1.4831 -0.4424
-0.1904 0.3782 0.4133 0.4090 -1.0372 0.2011
在 python 和 matlab 中,我得到了这个结果。
QR :
[ 3.47196268, 1.63382425, -2.39788322, -0.26189627, 1.11652819, -0.1965108 ],
[-0.19128521, 2.52976731, 0.93296076, 0.49012156, -0.78217128, -2.06427021],
[-0.23067443, -0.0120604 , 2.26624645, -0.67846333, 0.74839188, -0.28431637],
[-0.00486702, 0.43558037, -0.00634783, -2.00278565, 1.22747977, -0.01853067],
[-0.13370508, 0.3074231 , 0.76958444, -0.0335343 , 1.36566733, 1.04995806],
[-0.17396713, -0.18659867, 0.30029599, -0.6800568 , 0.37513732, 0.3212295 ],
[ 0.30534072, 0.38815978, -0.10102664, 0.06497129, 0.35993755, 0.72318025],
[-0.68601098, -0.61373672, 0.14243916, 0.28777571, -0.68376182, 0.3557272 ],
[ 0.04573902, -0.25965053, -0.15498792, -0.52485689, -0.0986465 , -0.38370839]