我正在使用 Runge-Kutta 解决一个二阶线性ODE
[1] 一种是使用拉格朗日乘其中是规定路径,效果很好。
[2] 另一种方法是在 Runge-Kutta 更新后用给定值替换变量,这仅在矩阵是对角线时才有效。
即使我只规定位移,最终在 Runge-Kutta 中,我也必须规定位移率,以使结果与 FD 和其他方案相匹配。
我不想在 Runge-Kutta 或显式方法中使用拉格朗日乘数,因为它会显着降低我的稳定性区域并且我必须使用非常小的时间步长。
==================================================== ====================
clear variables;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% spring damper system
M = [3, 0.2 0.2;
0.2, 2 0;
0.2, 0, 5];
K = [10, 8 0.2;
8, 10, 0.2;
0.2, 0.2, 15];
C = zeros(3, 3);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MODEL %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% tspan
dt = 0.005;
t_span = [0, 8];
time = t_span(1): dt: t_span(2);
Ndt = length(time);
dim = length(M);
% which displacement to prescribe
index_prescribed = 2;
index_free = (1:dim)';
index_free(index_prescribed) = [];
% excitation path, a toneburst signal
freq = 1;
nCnt = 3.0;
ExtDisp_time_lim = nCnt / freq;
ExtDisp = zeros(1, Ndt);
for j = 1: Ndt
if time(j) <= ExtDisp_time_lim
ExtDisp(j) = (1-cos(2*pi*time(j)*freq/nCnt)) * sin(2*pi*time(j)*freq);
dExtDisp = diff(ExtDisp) / dt;
ddExtDisp = diff(dExtDisp) / dt;
force_param_cells.time = time;
force_param_cells.ExtDisp_lim = ExtDisp_time_lim;
force_param_cells.ExtDisp = ExtDisp;
force_param_cells.dExtDisp = dExtDisp;
force_param_cells.ddExtDisp = ddExtDisp;
force_param_cells.index_prescribed = index_prescribed;
% use Lagrangian multiplier
% initial BCs
x0 = [0, 0, 0]';
v0 = [0, 0, 0]';
[tt2, yy2] = rk_lagrangian_multiplier(dt, t_span, M, C, K, force_param_cells, x0, v0);
% just by replacing
% initial BCs
x0 = [0, 0, 0]';
v0 = [0, 0, 0]';
[tt4, yy4] = rk_ordinary(dt, t_span, M, C, K, force_param_cells, x0, v0);
% plot all variables
figure;hold on;
for k = 1 : 6
subplot(2, 3, k);hold on;
plot(tt2, yy2(k,:), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2);
plot(tt4, yy4(k,:), 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
if k > 3
ylabel(['$\dot{x}$', int2str(k-3)], 'FontSize', 15 ,'interpreter','latex');
ylabel(['${x}$', int2str(k)], 'FontSize', 15 ,'interpreter','latex');
legend('RK-Multiplier', 'RK-Replace');
xlabel('Time (s)','FontSize',15);
==================================================== =================
function [tt, yy] = rk_lagrangian_multiplier(dt, t_span, M, C, K, force_param_cells, x0, v0)
time = t_span(1): dt: t_span(2);
% system dimensions
dim = length(M);
Ndt = length(time);
index_prescribed = force_param_cells.index_prescribed;
% penalty on prescribed displacement
lamda = max(max(K)) * 1E4;
PenaltyMatrix = zeros(3);
PenaltyMatrix(index_prescribed, index_prescribed) = lamda;
% save model parameters as cells
model_cells{1} = M;
model_cells{2} = C;
model_cells{3} = K;
model_cells{4} = PenaltyMatrix;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Runge-Kutta %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
step = 1;
tt(:,step) = time(step);
yy(:,step) = [x0; v0];
for step = 1 : Ndt-1 % calculation loop
time_t = time(step);
yy_t = yy(:, step);
k_1 = model_rk_spring_mass_full(time_t, yy_t, model_cells, force_param_cells);
k_2 = model_rk_spring_mass_full(time_t + 0.5 * dt, yy_t + 0.5*dt * k_1, model_cells, force_param_cells);
k_3 = model_rk_spring_mass_full(time_t + 0.5 * dt, yy_t + 0.5*dt * k_2, model_cells, force_param_cells);
k_4 = model_rk_spring_mass_full(time_t + dt, yy_t + dt * k_3, model_cells, force_param_cells);
tt(step + 1) = time_t + dt;
yy(:, step + 1) = yy(:, step) + dt * (k_1 + 2*k_2 + 2*k_3 + k_4) / 6.0;
(Runge-Kutta - 更新后只替换位移)
function [tt, yy] = rk_ordinary(dt, t_span, M, C, K, force_param_cells, x0, v0)
time = t_span(1): dt: t_span(2);
% system dimensions
dim = length(M);
Ndt = length(time);
% save model parameters as cells
model_cells{1} = M;
model_cells{2} = C;
model_cells{3} = K;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Runge-Kutta %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
step = 1;
tt(:,step) = time(step);
yy(:,step) = [x0; v0];
yy(force_param_cells.index_prescribed, step) = force_param_cells.ExtDisp(:, step);
for step = 1 : Ndt-1 % calculation loop
time_t = time(step);
yy_t = yy(:, step);
k_1 = model_rk_spring_mass_no_penalty(time_t, yy_t, model_cells);
k_2 = model_rk_spring_mass_no_penalty(time_t + 0.5 * dt, yy_t + 0.5*dt * k_1, model_cells);
k_3 = model_rk_spring_mass_no_penalty(time_t + 0.5 * dt, yy_t + 0.5*dt * k_2, model_cells);
k_4 = model_rk_spring_mass_no_penalty(time_t + dt, yy_t + dt * k_3, model_cells);
tt(step + 1) = time_t + dt;
yy(:, step + 1) = yy(:, step) + dt * (k_1 + 2*k_2 + 2*k_3 + k_4) / 6.0;
% prescribing displacement and rate
if time_t <= force_param_cells.ExtDisp_lim
yy(force_param_cells.index_prescribed, step+1) = force_param_cells.ExtDisp(step+1);
yy(force_param_cells.index_prescribed + dim, step+1) = force_param_cells.dExtDisp(step+1);
function dy = model_rk_spring_mass_full(t, y, model_cells, force_param_cells)
M = model_cells{1};
C = model_cells{2};
K = model_cells{3};
Penalty = model_cells{4};
time = force_param_cells.time;
ExtDisp = force_param_cells.ExtDisp;
ExtDisp_lim = force_param_cells.ExtDisp_lim;
index_prescribed = force_param_cells.index_prescribed;
dim = length(M);
dy = zeros(dim * 2, 1);
% dealing with extra prescribed displacement
disp_prescribed = interp1(time', ExtDisp', t)';
disp_vec = zeros(dim, 1);
disp_vec(index_prescribed) = disp_prescribed;
if t <= ExtDisp_lim
P_m = Penalty;
force_penalty = P_m * disp_vec;
P_m = zeros(dim, dim);
force_penalty = zeros(dim, 1);
% updating procedures
dy(1:dim) = y(dim+1:end);
dy(dim+1:end) = M \ (force_penalty - C * y(dim+1: end) - (K + P_m) * y(1:dim));
function dy = model_rk_spring_mass_no_penalty(t, y, model_cells)
M = model_cells{1};
C = model_cells{2};
K = model_cells{3};
dim = length(M);
dy = zeros(dim * 2, 1);
% updating procedures
dy(1:dim) = y(dim+1:end);
dy(dim+1:end) = M \ (- C * y(dim+1: end) - K * y(1:dim));