
信息处理 小波 Python 转变
2022-01-15 11:00:44

我正在尝试编写函数的 Haar 小波逼近。

下面是我的 f 算法的伪代码 我在谷歌上到处挑选它。f:[0,10]Rf(x)=x

1) , 其中 Nx[0,)


2) Haar 级数系数


3) 哈尔级数


4)对于,这给出了图表 N=4在此处输入图像描述


下面的代码比较:Haar vs Fourier vs Chebyshev。

from __future__ import division
from mpmath import *

# --------- Haar wavelet approximation of a function
# algorithm from : http://fourier.eng.hmc.edu/e161/lectures/wavelets/node5.html
# implementation only handle [0,1] for the moment: scaling and wavelet fcts need to be periodice

phi = lambda x : (0 <= x < 1) #scaling fct
psi = lambda x : (0 <= x < .5) - (.5 <= x < 1) #wavelet fct
phi_j_k = lambda x, j, k : 2**(j/2) * phi(2**j * x - k)
psi_j_k = lambda x, j, k : 2**(j/2) * psi(2**j * x - k)

def haar(f, interval, level):
    c0 = quadgl(  lambda t : f(t) * phi_j_k(t, 0, 0), interval  )

    coef = []
    for j in xrange(0, level):
        for k in xrange(0, 2**j):
                djk = quadgl(  lambda t: f(t) * psi_j_k(t, j, k), interval  )
                coef.append( (j, k, djk) )

    return c0, coef

def haarval(haar_coef, x):
    c0, coef = haar_coef
    s = c0 * phi_j_k(x, 0, 0)
    for j, k ,djk in coef:
            s += djk * psi_j_k(x, j, k)
    return s

# --------- to plot an Haar wave
interval = [0, 1]
plot([lambda x : phi_j_k(x,1,1)],interval)

# ---------- main
# below is code to compate : Haar vs Fourier vs Chebyshev

nb_coeff = 5
interval = [0, 1] # haar only handle [0,1] for the moment: scaling and wavelet fcts need to be periodice

fct = lambda x : x

haar_coef = haar(fct, interval, nb_coeff)
haar_series_apx = lambda x : haarval(haar_coef, x)

fourier_coef = fourier(fct, interval, nb_coeff)
fourier_series_apx = lambda x: fourierval(fourier_coef, interval, x)
chebyshev_coef = chebyfit(fct, interval, nb_coeff)
chebyshev_series_apx = lambda x : polyval(chebyshev_coef, x)

print 'fourier %d chebyshev %d haar %d' % ( len(fourier_coef[0]) + len(fourier_coef[1]),len(chebyshev_coef), 1 + len(haar_coef[1]))
print 'error:'
print 'fourier', quadgl(  lambda x : abs( fct(x) - fourier_series_apx(x) ), interval  )
print 'chebyshev', quadgl(  lambda x : abs( fct(x) - chebyshev_series_apx(x) ), interval  )
print 'haar', quadgl(  lambda x : abs( fct(x) - haar_series_apx(x) ), interval  )

plot([fct, fourier_series_apx, chebyshev_series_apx, haar_series_apx], interval)