用 Javascript 中的极小极大算法解决井字游戏

IT技术 javascript algorithm tic-tac-toe minimax
2021-02-26 22:01:13
let _board = [[null, null, null], [null, null, null], [null, null, null]];
   let _flag = true;
   let _AIrowIndex = null;
   let _AIcellIndex = null;
   const _wrapper = document.querySelector(".wrapper");

   const _changeTurn = function () {
       if (_flag == true) {
           _flag = false;
           return playerOne.getSign();
       } else {
           _flag = true;
           return playerTwo.getSign();

   const _displayTurn = function () {
       let turn = document.querySelector(".playerInfo__turn")
       if (_flag == true) {
           turn.innerHTML = `${playerOne.getName()} is your turn`;
       } else {
           turn.innerHTML = `${playerTwo.getName()} is your turn`;

   const _evaluation = (winner) => {
           if(winner == "X"){
               return 1;
           }else if(winner == "O"){
               return -1;
               return null;

   const _evaluationFunction = function (board) {
               /*CHECK 1 DIAG*/
           if (board[0][0] === board[1][1] && board[2][2] === board[0][0]) {
               return _evaluation(board[0][0]);
               /*CHECK 2 DIAG*/
           if (board[0][2] === board[1][1] && board[2][0] === board[0][2]) {
               return _evaluation(board[0][2]);
               /*CHECK PAIR*/
           for (let col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
               if (board[0][col] === board[1][col] && board[1][col] === board[2][col]) {
                   return _evaluation(board[0][col]);
           for (let row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
               if (board[row][0] === board[row][1] && board[row][1] === board[row][2]) {
                   return _evaluation(board[row][0]);
           return 0;        

   const minimax = (_board, depth, isMaximizer) => {

       let result = _evaluationFunction(_board);
       if (result !== null) {
           return result;

       if (isMaximizer) {
           let bestScore = -Infinity;

           for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
               for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                   if (_board[i][j] == null) {
                       _board[i][j] = playerOne.getSign();
                       let score = minimax(_board, depth + 1, false);
                       _board[i][j] = null;
                       bestScore = Math.max(score, bestScore);

           return bestScore;

       } else {
           let bestScore = Infinity;

           for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
               for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                   if (_board[i][j] == null) {
                       _board[i][j] = playerTwo.getSign();
                       let score = minimax(_board, depth + 1, true);
                       _board[i][j] = null;
                       bestScore = Math.min(score, bestScore);
           return bestScore;
   const _setAIPlay = () => {
       let bestScore = Infinity;
       let bestMove;

       for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
           for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
               if (_board[i][j] == null) {
                   _board[i][j] = playerTwo.getSign();
                   let score = minimax(_board, 0, true);       
                   _board[i][j] = null;
                   if(score < bestScore){
                       bestScore = score;
                       bestMove = {i, j}

       _board[bestMove.i][bestMove.j] = playerTwo.getSign();
       _AIrowIndex = bestMove.i;
       _AIcellIndex = bestMove.j;
       _displayAIPlay(_AIrowIndex, _AIcellIndex);


   const _displayAIPlay = (rowIndex, cellIndex) => {
       let AIcell = document.querySelector(`[data-row="${rowIndex}"][data-cell="${cellIndex}"]`);
       AIcell.textContent = playerTwo.getSign();

我试图用 minimax 算法解决这个井字游戏问题,但我不明白为什么它继续在相邻的单元格中放置“O”,我试图console.log()在 minimax 函数中获得最佳分数,它看起来递归有效,但我不明白为什么在里面_setAIPlay()

如果我console.log(bestScore)在最后一条if语句中返回我作为最终值 or 0or 1and not-1在这种情况下我认为应该是作为最小化器的最佳分数。

如果需要,您可以在这里找到完整的 repo gitHub


这是在 JavaScript 中 Tic Tac Toe 的极小极大算法的简单实现。搜索树加深,直到检测到游戏结束状态。如果检测到获胜,则当前玩家不能玩,因此静态值为负 (-10)。如果检测到平局,则返回值为 0。

在所有其他情况下,搜索会加深。此实现使用 minimax 算法,其中对于两个玩家都最大化该值。因此,从更深层次的评估中返回的value的符号总是被翻转(“对我的对手有利的对我不利,反之亦然”)。

如果发现棋盘具有获胜位置,则优先考虑通向获胜最短路径的移动这是通过每次回溯时将绝对值降低 1 个点来实现的。


这是实现,带有一些基本的 HTML:

class TicTacToe {
    constructor() {
        this.board = Array(9).fill(0); // 0 means "empty"
        this.moves = [];
        this.isWin = this.isDraw = false;
    get turn() { // returns 1 or 2
        return 1 + this.moves.length % 2;
    get validMoves() {
        return [...this.board.keys()].filter(i => !this.board[i])
    play(move) { // move is an index in this.board
        if (this.board[move] !== 0 || this.isWin) return false; // invalid move
        this.board[move] = this.turn; // 1 or 2
        // Use regular expression to detect any 3-in-a-row
        this.isWin = /^(?:...)*([12])\1\1|^.?.?([12])..\2..\2|^([12])...\3...\3|^..([12]).\4.\4/.test(this.board.join(""));
        this.isDraw = !this.isWin && this.moves.length === this.board.length;
        return true;
    takeBack() {
        if (this.moves.length === 0) return false; // cannot undo
        this.board[this.moves.pop()] = 0;
        this.isWin = this.isDraw = false;
        return true;
    minimax() {
        if (this.isWin) return { value: -10 };
        if (this.isDraw) return { value: 0 };
        let best = { value: -Infinity };
        for (let move of this.validMoves) {
            let {value} = this.minimax();
            // Reduce magnitude of value (so shorter paths to wins are prioritised) and negate it
            value = value ? (Math.abs(value) - 1) * Math.sign(-value) : 0;
            if (value >= best.value) {
                if (value > best.value) best = { value, moves: [] };
                best.moves.push(move); // keep track of equally valued moves
        return best;
    goodMove() {
        let {moves} = this.minimax();
        // Pick a random move when there are choices:
        return moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length)];

(function main() {
    const table = document.querySelector("#game");
    const btnNewGame = document.querySelector("#newgame");
    const btnCpuMove = document.querySelector("#cpumove");
    const messageArea = document.querySelector("#message");
    let game, human;

    function display() {
        game.board.forEach((cell, i) => table.rows[Math.floor(i / 3)].cells[i % 3].className = " XO"[cell]);
        messageArea.textContent = game.isWin ? (game.turn == human ? "CPU won" : "You won")
                                : game.isDraw ? "It's a draw"
                                : game.turn == human ? "Your turn" 
                                : "CPU is preparing move...";
        table.className = game.isWin || game.isDraw || game.turn !== human ? "inactive" : "";

    function computerMove() {
        if (game.isWin || game.isDraw) return; 
        human = 3 - game.turn;
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 500); // Artificial delay before computer move is calculated and played

    function humanMove(i) {
        if (game.turn !== human || !game.play(i)) return; // ignore click when not human turn, or when invalid move

    function newGame() {
        game = new TicTacToe();
        human = 1;

    table.addEventListener("click", e => humanMove(e.target.cellIndex + 3 * e.target.parentNode.rowIndex));
    btnNewGame.addEventListener("click", newGame);
    btnCpuMove.addEventListener("click", computerMove);
#game { border-collapse: collapse }
#game td { border: 1px solid black; width: 30px; height: 30px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer } 
#game td.X, #game td.O { cursor: default }
#game td.X { color: green }
#game td.O { color: red }
#game td.X:after { content: "X" }
#game td.O:after { content: "O" }
#game.inactive { background: silver }
<table id="game">
<h4 id="message"></h4>
<button id="newgame">New Game</button>
<button id="cpumove">Let CPU play a move</button>

2021-04-16 22:01:13
你好,你能澄清一下takeback()这个minmax()函数的目的什么吗?不确定返回 true 或 false 有什么作用。
2021-04-27 22:01:13
2021-05-05 22:01:13
2021-05-12 22:01:13