
电器工程 电子墨水
2022-01-30 04:20:11





在很短的一段时间内,我考虑过修补 eink 显示器的想法。并跟进了 e-Ink Corporation。他们是持有 eInk IP 的人。他们向我介绍了 PrimeView,这是一家成熟的 LCD 制造公司。(当我用谷歌搜索进行一些事实核查时,事实证明 PVI 现在已经收购了 EInk。)

我能够谈论一些数据表和定价数据。恐怕对于普通的修补匠来说,它看起来并不好。他们为展览报价为每件 200.00 美元。控制器每件 4.50 美元(样品数量)。面板的产量报价为 60.00/pc。当然,后一种报价将取决于数量——我怀疑亚马逊的定价要好得多!(顺便说一句,这是针对 6 英寸面板的,引用于 2007 年 12 月左右)

如果您真的很认真,他们确实以大约 3,000 美元的价格提供了他们的开发套件。


这是我对 SeeedStudio E-Ink 的体验。


Seeedstudio 电子墨水是 Arduino 兼容的盾牌。(但是,它并不完全兼容 Arduino!。请参阅 Seeedstudio 论坛:http ://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=16432#p16432 )

这是 PICAXE 代码:

    #PICAXE 28X2

    Eeprom %00001111, ( %00000000 ) ' %00000000
    Eeprom %00011111, ( %11000000 ) ' %11000000
    Eeprom %00101111, ( %00110000 ) ' %00110000
    Eeprom %00111111, ( %11110000 ) ' %11110000
    Eeprom %01001111, ( %00001100 ) ' %00001100
    Eeprom %01011111, ( %11001100 ) ' %11001100
    Eeprom %01101111, ( %00111100 ) ' %00111100
    Eeprom %01111111, ( %11111100 ) ' %11111100
    Eeprom %10001111, ( %00000011 ) ' %00000011
    Eeprom %10011111, ( %11000011 ) ' %11000011
    Eeprom %10101111, ( %00110011 ) ' %00110011
    Eeprom %10111111, ( %11110011 ) ' %11110011
    Eeprom %11001111, ( %00001111 ) ' %00001111
    Eeprom %11011111, ( %11001111 ) ' %11001111
    Eeprom %11101111, ( %00111111 ) ' %00111111
    Eeprom %11110000, ( %00000000 ) ' %00000000
    Eeprom %11110001, ( %11000000 ) ' %11000000
    Eeprom %11110010, ( %00110000 ) ' %00110000
    Eeprom %11110011, ( %11110000 ) ' %11110000
    Eeprom %11110100, ( %00001100 ) ' %00001100
    Eeprom %11110101, ( %11001100 ) ' %11001100
    Eeprom %11110110, ( %00111100 ) ' %00111100
    Eeprom %11110111, ( %11111100 ) ' %11111100
    Eeprom %11111000, ( %00000011 ) ' %00000011
    Eeprom %11111001, ( %11000011 ) ' %11000011
    Eeprom %11111010, ( %00110011 ) ' %00110011
    Eeprom %11111011, ( %11110011 ) ' %11110011
    Eeprom %11111100, ( %00001111 ) ' %00001111
    Eeprom %11111101, ( %11001111 ) ' %11001111
    Eeprom %11111110, ( %00111111 ) ' %00111111
    Eeprom %11111111, ( %11111111 ) ' %11111111

    pause 5000

    sertxd ("Eink_8",cr,lf)

    setfreq m16

    Symbol Eink_CS1 = S.6           ' Chip select for Eink driver
    Symbol Eink_DC  = S.5           ' Data/Command control for Eink driver
    Symbol GT_CS2   = S.4           ' Chip select for character ROM

    Symbol i           = w4
    Symbol Xs          = b10
    Symbol Xe          = b11
    Symbol Ys          = b12
    Symbol Ye          = b13
    Symbol Char        = b14
    Symbol Char16      = w8
    Symbol Char16Lo    = b16
    Symbol Char16Hi    = b17
    Symbol CommandByte = b18
    Symbol DataByte    = b19 
    Symbol t           = b20

    HIGH Eink_CS1
    HIGH Eink_DC

    hspisetup spimode00e, spimedium
    sertxd ("hspisetup done",cr,lf)

    Gosub initEink
    sertxd ("init done",cr,lf)

    Gosub clearScreen
    sertxd ("clear done",cr,lf)

    Ys = 170

    Xs = 2 : Ys = 179
    for t = 0 to 13
    lookup t, ( "PICAXE RULES !" ),Char
    Ys = Ys - 8 : Gosub displayChar
    sertxd ("line 1 done",cr,lf)

    Xs = 7 : Ys = 179
    for t = 0 to 20
    lookup t, ( "Eink from Seeedstudio" ),Char
    Ys = Ys - 8 : Gosub displayChar
    sertxd ("line 2 done",cr,lf)

    Xs = 12 : Ys = 179
    for t = 0 to 18
    lookup t, ( "Cheers, from Buzby." ),Char
    Ys = Ys - 8 : Gosub displayChar
    sertxd ("line 3 done",cr,lf)

    Gosub refreshScreen
    sertxd ("refreshScreen done",cr,lf)
    sertxd ( "Done",cr,lf )


    ' =================================================================

        LOW  Eink_DC
        LOW  Eink_CS1
        hspiout ( CommandByte )
        HIGH Eink_CS1

    ' =================================================================

        HIGH Eink_DC
        LOW  Eink_CS1
        hspiout ( DataByte )
        HIGH Eink_CS1

    ' =================================================================


        CommandByte = 0x24 : Gosub writeComm

        HIGH Eink_DC
        LOW  Eink_CS1

        For i = 0 to 3095
            hspiout (0xFF)
        Next i

        HIGH Eink_CS1   

        Pause 1000

    ' =================================================================

         CommandByte = 0x10 : Gosub writeComm ' exit deep sleep mode
         DataByte    = 0x00 : Gosub writeData 
         CommandByte = 0x11 : Gosub writeComm ' data enter mode
         DataByte    = 0x03 : Gosub writeData 

         CommandByte = 0x44 : Gosub writeComm ' set RAM x address start/end, in page 36
         DataByte    = 0x00 : Gosub writeData ' RAM x address start at 00h;
         DataByte    = 0x11 : Gosub writeData ' RAM x address end at 11h(17)->72: [because 1F(31)->128 and 12(18)->76] 
         CommandByte = 0x45 : Gosub writeComm ' set RAM y address start/end, in page 37
         DataByte    = 0x00 : Gosub writeData ' RAM y address start at 00h;
         DataByte    = 0xAB : Gosub writeData ' RAM y address start at ABh(171)->172: [because B3(179)->180]
         CommandByte = 0x4E : Gosub writeComm ' set RAM x address count to 0
         DataByte    = 0x00 : Gosub writeData 
         CommandByte = 0x4F : Gosub writeComm ' set RAM y address count to 0
         DataByte    = 0x00 : Gosub writeData 

         CommandByte = 0xF0 : Gosub writeComm ' booster feedback used, in page 37
         DataByte    = 0x1F : Gosub writeData 
         CommandByte = 0x22 : Gosub writeComm ' display updata sequence option ,in page 33
         Databyte    = 0xC0 : Gosub writeData ' enable sequence: clk -> CP

         Gosub configureLUTRegister

         CommandByte = 0x2C : Gosub writeComm ' vcom
         DataByte    = 0xA0 : Gosub writeData 
         CommandByte = 0x3C : Gosub writeComm ' board
         DataByte    = 0x63 : Gosub writeData 
         CommandByte = 0x22 : Gosub writeComm ' display updata sequence option ,in page 33
         DataByte    = 0xC4 : Gosub writeData ' enable sequence: clk -> CP -> LUT -> initial display -> pattern display


    ' =================================================================


        CommandByte = 0x32 : Gosub writeComm ' write data to LUT register

        HIGH Eink_DC
        LOW  Eink_CS1

        hspiout ( 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x55,0x00,0x00,0x55,0x55,0x00,0x55, _
                 0x55,0x55,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0xAA,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15, _
                   0x05,0x05,0x05,0x05,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00, _
                   0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, _
                   0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, _
                   0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, _
                   0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, _
                   0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, _
                     0x22,0xFB,0x22,0x1B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 )

        HIGH Eink_CS1   


    ' =================================================================

        CommandByte = 0x20 : Gosub writeComm
        Gosub closeBump
        Pause 2000

    ' =================================================================

        CommandByte = 0x22 : Gosub writeComm    
        DataByte    = 0x03 : Gosub writeData 
        CommandByte = 0x20 : Gosub writeComm 

    ' =================================================================
    Xs --> X start  address   0~17
    Xe --> X end    address   0~17
    Ys --> Y start  address   0~171
    Ye --> Y end    address   0~171



        LOW  Eink_CS1

        LOW  Eink_DC    
        hspiout ( 0x44 )' set RAM x address start/end  command
        HIGH  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( Xs , Xe )

        LOW  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( 0x45 )' set RAM y address start/end  command
        HIGH  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( Ys , Ye )

        LOW  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( 0x4E )' set RAM x address count to Xs
        HIGH  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( Xs )  

        LOW  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( 0x4F )' set RAM y address count to Ys
        HIGH  Eink_DC
        hspiout ( Ys )  

        HIGH  Eink_CS1


    ' =================================================================
    display character in the Eink screen:
    x:the X start address,X value can be 0 to 14;
    y:the Y start  address, Y vlue can  be 171 to 7;
    the charater diplay erea is from x to x+3 in X position and from y to y-7 in Y position
    unicode_char:the character machine code
    void E_ink::displayChar(INT8U x,INT8U y,INT16U unicode_Char)
      INT16U i;
      writeComm(0x11);     /*data enter mode command */
      writeData(0x05);     /*set Y-mode:X address is increment and y address decrement */                       


       ' Make address of character in ROM
        Char16 = Char - 0x20 * 16 

        ' Reset scratchpad pointer
        ptr = 0

        ' Get 16 bytes character data from ROM into scratchpad
        LOW GT_CS2
        hspiout (0x03,0,Char16Hi,Char16Lo)
        hspiin  (@ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc,@ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc, _
                    @ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc,@ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc, @ptrinc )
       HIGH GT_CS2


       sertxd ("chardata",cr,lf)
       ptr = 0
        sertxd  (Char, " ", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",",#@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", _
                    #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",",#@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc,",", #@ptrinc, cr, lf )

       for ptr = 0 to 15
           b0 = @ptr
           sertxd (#bit7,#bit6,#bit5,#bit4,#bit3,#bit2,#bit1,#bit0,cr,lf)


       ' Convert data bytes into twos

          for i = 0 to 7

           ptr = i              ' Get single byte
           b0 = @ptr

            ' original in b0, result in w0 - Thanks to hippy !

            b1 = b0 | $0F : Read b1, b1
            b0 = b0 | $F0 : Read b0, b0

           ptr = i + 16 : @ptr = inv b0
           ptr = i + 24 : @ptr = inv b1

        next i

          for i = 8 to 15

           ptr = i              ' Get single byte
           b0 = @ptr

            ' original in b0, result in w0 - Thanks to hippy !

            b1 = b0 | $0F : Read b1, b1
            b0 = b0 | $F0 : Read b0, b0

           ptr = i + 24 : @ptr = inv b0
           ptr = i + 32 : @ptr = inv b1

        next i

        Xe = Xs + 3
        Ye = Ys - 7

        Gosub setPositionXY 

        CommandByte = 0x11 : Gosub writeComm ' /*data enter mode command */
        DataByte    = 0x05 : Gosub writeData ' /*set Y-mode:X address is increment and y address decrement */                       
        CommandByte = 0x24 : Gosub writeComm 

        HIGH Eink_DC
        LOW  Eink_CS1

       for ptr = 16 to 47

           hspiout (@ptr) 


        HIGH Eink_CS1


Shield 上实际上只有两个有源芯片,一个字符 ROM 和一个 E-ink 驱动程序。

代码读取 ROM 以获取位模式,重新排列位,然后发送到 E-ink 驱动程序。

我在 E-ink 显示器本身上找不到任何制造商的名称,除非制造商被称为“Good Display”!(这些是背面唯一的文字,以及零件编号 GDE021A1)(编辑:我刚刚再次谷歌搜索零件编号,这次它找到了制造商。显示效果很好!)


PervasiveDisplays 1.44 英寸电子纸显示屏为 13.87 美元(100 件 8.8 美元)128 x 96 像素,111dpi,外部尺寸(毫米):40.512 x 28.80 x 1.00。http: //www.pervasivedisplays.com/products/144

但是:它不像 10x10 毫米那么小,而且很肯定它没有要求的那么快。但至少现在价格要低得多。

Seeed Studio提供 Arduino E-Ink Display Shield,截至 2013-04-16 WEST,价格为 49.90 美元。显示分辨率为 172 × 72 像素。PCB 的占位面积为 68 × 63 mm。从图片来看,显示组件的占位面积不到 PCB 的一半。