这有帮助吗?(操作,在遇到麻烦之后,我意识到您的问题出在 Chrome 上)但这在 Windows 7 上的 Firefox 9.0.1 上运行良好
String configFile = "/apps/configs/logins.cfg";
// server, port, userid, password defaults
String userid = "willey@customer.com";
String password = "willeyCoy0tt3";
String server = "desert.acme.com";
String securePort = "447";
// load the properties file - this might throw an exception
// if it cannot find or cannot open the file
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.load(new FileInputStream( configFile ));
//get the values
userid = prop.getProperty( "user" );
password = prop.getProperty( "password" );
baseUrl = "https://" + userid + ":" + password + "@" + server + ":" + securePort + "/services/login.html";
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(35, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// after that, just use to load the other pages, for example
driver.get(baseUrl + "/services/listOrders.html");