我正在使用一个小数据集(21 个观察值),并且在 R 中有以下正常的 QQ 图:
我正在使用一个小数据集(21 个观察值),并且在 R 中有以下正常的 QQ 图:
局部行为:当查看 y 轴上的排序样本值和 x 轴上的(近似)预期分位数时,我们可以通过查看是否值或多或少比理论分布在该图的该部分中假设的集中:
这是 QQ 图的平均样子(对于特定的分布选择):
我做了一个闪亮的应用程序来帮助解释正常的 QQ 情节。试试这个链接。
在这个应用程序中,您可以调整数据的偏度、尾度(峰度)和模态,您可以看到直方图和 QQ 图的变化情况。相反,您可以按照给定 QQ 图的模式来使用它,然后检查偏度等应该如何。
。有兴趣运行此应用程序的人可以将这些文件加载到 Rstudio 中,然后在您自己的 PC 上运行它。
# Compute the positive part of a real number x,
# which is $\max(x, 0)$.
positive_part <- function(x) {ifelse(x > 0, x, 0)}
# This function generates n data points from some
# unimodal population.
# Input: ----------------------------------------------------
# n: sample size;
# mu: the mode of the population, default value is 0.
# skewness: the parameter that reflects the skewness of the
# distribution, note it is not
# the exact skewness defined in statistics textbook,
# the default value is 0.
# tailedness: the parameter that reflects the tailedness
# of the distribution, note it is
# not the exact kurtosis defined in textbook,
# the default value is 0.
# When all arguments take their default values, the data will
# be generated from standard
# normal distribution.
random_sample <- function(n, mu = 0, skewness = 0, §
tailedness = 0){
sigma = 1
# The sampling scheme resembles the rejection sampling.
# For each step, an initial data point
# was proposed, and it will be rejected or accepted based on
# the weights determined by the
# skewness and tailedness of input.
reject_skewness <- function(x){
scale = 1
# if `skewness` > 0 (means data are right-skewed),
# then small values of x will be rejected
# with higher probability.
l <- exp(-scale * skewness * x)
l/(1 + l)
reject_tailedness <- function(x){
scale = 1
# if `tailedness` < 0 (means data are lightly-tailed),
# then big values of x will be rejected with
# higher probability.
l <- exp(-scale * tailedness * abs(x))
l/(1 + l)
# w is another layer option to control the tailedness, the
# higher the w is, the data will be
# more heavily-tailed.
w = positive_part((1 - exp(-0.5 * tailedness)))/(1 +
exp(-0.5 * tailedness))
filter <- function(x){
# The proposed data points will be accepted only if it
# satified the following condition,
# in which way we controlled the skewness and tailedness of
# data. (For example, the
# proposed data point will be rejected more frequently if it
# has higher skewness or
# tailedness.)
accept <- runif(length(x)) > reject_tailedness(x) *
result <- filter(mu + sigma * ((1 - w) * rnorm(n) + w * rt(n, 5)))
# Keep generating data points until the length of data vector
# reaches n.
while (length(result) < n) {
result <- c(result, filter(mu + sigma * ((1 - w) * rnorm(n) +
w * rt(n, 5))))
multimodal <- function(n, Mu, skewness = 0, tailedness = 0) {
# Deal with the bimodal case.
mumu <- as.numeric(Mu %*% rmultinom(n, 1, rep(1, length(Mu))))
mumu + random_sample(n, skewness = skewness,
tailedness = tailedness)
# Need 'ggplot2' package to get a better aesthetic effect.
# The 'sample.R' source code is used to generate data to be
# plotted, based on the input skewness,
# tailedness and modality. For more information, see the source
# code in 'sample.R' code.
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# We generate 10000 data points from the distribution which
# reflects the specification of skewness,
# tailedness and modality.
n = 10000
# 'scale' is a parameter that controls the skewness and
# tailedness.
scale = 1000
# The `reactive` function is a trick to accelerate the app,
# which enables us only generate the data
# once to plot two plots. The generated sample was stored in
# the `data` object to be called later.
data <- reactive({
# For `Unimodal` choice, we fix the mode at 0.
if (input$modality == "Unimodal") {mu = 0}
# For `Bimodal` choice, we fix the two modes at -2 and 2.
if (input$modality == "Bimodal") {mu = c(-2, 2)}
# Details will be explained in `sample.R` file.
sample1 <- multimodal(n, mu, skewness = scale *
input$skewness, tailedness = scale * input$kurtosis)
data.frame(x = sample1)})
output$histogram <- renderPlot({
# Plot the histogram.
ggplot(data(), aes(x = x)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), binwidth = .5,
colour = "black", fill = "white") +
xlim(-6, 6) +
# Overlay the density curve.
geom_density(alpha = .5, fill = "blue") +
ggtitle("Histogram of Data") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight = .8,
face = "bold"))
output$qqplot <- renderPlot({
# Plot the QQ plot.
ggplot(data(), aes(sample = x)) + stat_qq() +
ggtitle("QQplot of Data") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8,
face = "bold"))
# Define UI for application that helps students interpret the
# pattern of (normal) QQ plots.
# By using this app, we can show students the different patterns
# of QQ plots (and the histograms,
# for completeness) for different type of data distributions.
# For example, left skewed heavy tailed
# data, etc.
# This app can be (and is encouraged to be) used in a reversed
# way, namely, show the QQ plot to the
# students first, then tell them based on the pattern of the QQ
# plot, the data is right skewed, bimodal,
# heavy-tailed, etc.
# Application title
titlePanel("Interpreting Normal QQ Plots"),
# The first slider can control the skewness of input data.
# "-1" indicates the most left-skewed
# case while "1" indicates the most right-skewed case.
sliderInput("skewness", "Skewness", min = -1, max = 1,
value = 0, step = 0.1, ticks = FALSE),
# The second slider can control the skewness of input data.
# "-1" indicates the most light tail
# case while "1" indicates the most heavy tail case.
sliderInput("kurtosis", "Tailedness", min = -1, max = 1,
value = 0, step = 0.1, ticks = FALSE),
# This selectbox allows user to choose the number of modes
# of data, two options are provided:
# "Unimodal" and "Bimodal".
selectInput("modality", label = "Modality",
choices = c("Unimodal" = "Unimodal",
"Bimodal" = "Bimodal"),
selected = "Unimodal"),
# The following helper information will be shown on the
# user interface to give necessary
# information to help users understand sliders.
helpText(p("The skewness of data is controlled by moving
the", strong("Skewness"), "slider,",
"the left side means left skewed while the right
side means right skewed."),
p("The tailedness of data is controlled by moving
the", strong("Tailedness"), "slider,",
"the left side means light tailed while the
right side means heavy tailed."),
p("The modality of data is controlled by selecting
the modality from", strong("Modality"),
"select box.")
# The main panel outputs two plots. One plot is the histogram
# of data (with the non-parametric density
# curve overlaid), to get a better visualization, we restricted
# the range of x-axis to -6 to 6 so
# that part of the data will not be shown when heavy-tailed
# input is chosen. The other plot is the
# QQ plot of data, as convention, the x-axis is the theoretical
# quantiles for standard normal distri-
# bution and the y-axis is the sample quantiles of data.
教授给出了一个非常有用(且直观)的解释。Philippe Rigollet 参加 MIT MOOC 课程:18.650 Statistics for Applications,2016 年秋季 - 观看 45 分钟的视频
在示例 1 中,在左上图中,我们看到右尾的经验(或样本)分位数小于理论分位数
Qe < Qt
由于该线程被认为是权威的“如何解释正常 qq 图”StackExchange 帖子,我想向读者指出正常 qq 图和超峰态统计之间的良好、精确的数学关系。
一个简短(而且过于简化)的总结如下(有关更精确的数学陈述,请参见链接):您实际上可以将正常 qq 图中的过度峰度视为数据分位数与相应的理论正态分位数之间的平均距离,加权从数据到平均值的距离。因此,当 qq 图尾部的绝对值通常在极端方向上大大偏离预期的正常值时,您就有正的超峰度。
因为峰度是这些偏差的平均值,由与平均值的距离加权,所以靠近 qq 图中心的值对峰度几乎没有影响。因此,过度峰度与分布的中心无关,即“峰值”所在的位置。相反,过度峰态几乎完全由数据分布尾部与正态分布的比较决定。