我被要求写一篇关于统计的介绍,我正在努力如何以图形方式显示 p 值和功率相关的方式。我想出了这个图表:
这是我的 R 代码
x <- seq(-4, 4, length=1000)
hx <- dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1)
plot(x, hx, type="n", xlim=c(-4, 8), ylim=c(0, 0.5),
ylab = "",
xlab = "",
main= expression(paste("Type II (", beta, ") error")), axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at = c(-qnorm(.025), 0, -4),
labels = expression("p-value", 0, -infinity ))
shift = qnorm(1-0.025, mean=0, sd=1)*1.7
xfit2 <- x + shift
yfit2 <- dnorm(xfit2, mean=shift, sd=1)
# Print null hypothesis area
col_null = "#DDDDDD"
polygon(c(min(x), x,max(x)), c(0,hx,0), col=col_null)
lines(x, hx, lwd=2)
# The alternative hypothesis area
## The red - underpowered area
lb <- min(xfit2)
ub <- round(qnorm(.975),2)
col1 = "#CC2222"
i <- xfit2 >= lb & xfit2 <= ub
polygon(c(lb,xfit2[i],ub), c(0,yfit2[i],0), col=col1)
## The green area where the power is
col2 = "#22CC22"
i <- xfit2 >= ub
polygon(c(ub,xfit2[i],max(xfit2)), c(0,yfit2[i],0), col=col2)
# Outline the alternative hypothesis
lines(xfit2, yfit2, lwd=2)
axis(1, at = (c(ub, max(xfit2))), labels=c("", expression(infinity)),
col=col2, lwd=1, lwd.tick=FALSE)
legend("topright", inset=.05, title="Color",
c("Null hypoteses","Type II error", "True"), fill=c(col_null, col1, col2), horiz=FALSE)
abline(v=ub, lwd=2, col="#000088", lty="dashed")
arrows(ub, 0.45, ub+1, 0.45, lwd=3, col="#008800")
arrows(ub, 0.45, ub-1, 0.45, lwd=3, col="#880000")
# Print null hypothesis area
col_null = "#AAAAAA"
polygon(c(min(x), x,max(x)), c(0,hx,0), col=col_null, lwd=2, density=c(10, 40), angle=-45, border=0)
lines(x, hx, lwd=2, lty="dashed", col=col_null)
legend("topright", inset=.015, title="Color",
c("Null hypoteses","Type II error", "True"), fill=c(col_null, col1, col2),
density=c(20, 1000, 1000), horiz=FALSE)
我喜欢零假设的虚线、略带模糊的画面,因为它表明它并不真正存在。我已经考虑过透明度并添加了 alfa,但我担心在一张图片中获取太多信息,因此选择不这样做。
印刷文章的局限性不允许我让读者进行实验。我选择了 @Greg Snow 对 TeachingDemos 的回复作为我的答案,因为我喜欢两个错误不重叠的想法。