为什么我们需要主/从关系来交换 OSPF 中的 DBD?

网络工程 路由 ospf 协议论
2022-02-17 08:59:57

我对 OSPF 中的主从关系感到困惑?为什么ospf需要主从关系的选举来交换DBD?


这在RFC 2328 - OSPF 版本 2,第 10.8 节中进行了解释

     Database Description packets are sent when either a) the slave acknowledges 
     the previous Database Description packet by echoing the DD sequence number 
     or b) RxmtInterval seconds elapse without an acknowledgment, in which case 
     the previous Database Description packet is retransmitted.

     Database Description packets are sent only in response to Database 
     Description packets received from the master. If the Database Description 
     packet received from the master is new, a new Database Description packet 
     is sent, otherwise the previous Database Description packet is resent.

简而言之,在任何给定时间只能不确认一个 DBD 序列号。Master 负责确保正确确认 DBD 序列号。厨房里的两个厨师不起作用......一个必须控制序列号(主),一个必须确认(从)。