从 Elements of Statistical Learning 重建图 3.6

机器算法验证 r 回归 机器学习 自习 逐步回归
2022-03-20 03:01:57

我正在尝试从 Elements of Statistical Learning 重新创建图 3.6。关于该图的唯一信息包含在标题中。



  • 按照描述生成数据
  • 应用前向逐步回归(通过 AIC)31 次以添加变量
  • 计算每个与其对应的之间的绝对差并存储结果β^β


上述方法是不正确的,但我不清楚它到底应该是什么。我相信我的问题在于对 Y 轴上的均方误差的解释。y轴上的公式到底是什么意思?它只是被比较的第k个beta吗?




# generate the data
generate_data <- function(r, p, samples){

  corr_matrix <- suppressWarnings(matrix(c(1,rep(r,p)), nrow = p, ncol = p))  # ignore warning 
  mean_vector <- rep(0,p)

  data = mvrnorm(n=samples, mu=mean_vector, Sigma=corr_matrix, empirical=TRUE)

  coefficients_ <- rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 0.4)  # 10 non zero coefficients
  names(coefficients_) <- paste0('X', 1:10)

  data_1 <- t(t(data[,1:10]) * coefficients_)  # coefs by first 10 columns 
  Y <- rowSums(data_1) + rnorm(samples, mean = 0, sd = 6.25)  # adding gaussian noise
  return(list(data, Y, coefficients_))

应用正向逐步回归 50 次:

r <- 0.85
p <- 31
samples <- 300

# forward stepwise
error <- data.frame()

for(i in 1:50){  # i = 50 repititions 
  output <- generate_data(r, p, samples)

  data <- output[[1]]
  Y <- output[[2]]
  coefficients_ <- output[[3]]

  biggest <- formula(lm(Y~., data.frame(data)))

  current_model <- 'Y ~ 1'
  fit <- lm(as.formula(current_model), data.frame(data))

  for(j in 1:31){  # j = 31 variables
    # find best variable to add via AIC
    new_term <- addterm(fit, scope = biggest)[-1,]
    new_var <- row.names(new_term)[min(new_term$AIC) == new_term$AIC]

    # add it to the model and fit
    current_model <- paste(current_model, '+', new_var)
    fit <- lm(as.formula(current_model), data.frame(data))

    # jth beta hat 
    beta_hat <- unname(tail(fit$coefficients, n = 1))
    new_var_name <- names(tail(fit$coefficients, n = 1))

    # find corresponding beta
    if (new_var_name %in% names(coefficients_)){
      beta <- coefficients_[new_var_name]
    else{beta <- 0}

    # store difference between the two
    diff <- beta_hat - beta
    error[i,j] <- diff

# plot output
vals <-apply(error, 2, function(x) mean(x**2))
plot(vals) # not correct 


我对@whuber 的回应



一个有趣的异常是 Tibshirani 网站上第 3 章版本的图表:http: //statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/book/

链接不完整,但基于前言似乎是第 2 版。




在下面的代码中,我们重现了不同程度相关性的前向逐步方法的图形(本书使用 0.85),我们根据完整模型的方差对它们进行缩放,我们将其计算为σ2(XTX)1



### function to do stepforward regression
### adding variables with best increase in RSS
stepforward <- function(Y,X, intercept) {
  kl <- length(X[1,])  ### number of columns
  inset <- c()
  outset <- 1:kl
  best_RSS <- sum(Y^2)
  ### outer loop increasing subset size
  for (k in 1:kl) {
    beststep_RSS <- best_RSS ### RSS to beat
    beststep_par <- 0
    ### inner looping trying all variables that can be added
    for (par in outset) {
      ### create a subset to test
      step_set <- c(inset,par)
      step_data <- data.frame(Y=Y,X=X[,step_set])
      ### perform model with subset
      if (intercept) {
        step_mod <- lm(Y ~ . + 1, data = step_data)
      else {
        step_mod <- lm(Y ~ . + 0, data = step_data)
      step_RSS <- sum(step_mod$residuals^2)
      ### compare if it is an improvement
      if (step_RSS <= beststep_RSS) {
        beststep_RSS <- step_RSS
        beststep_par <- par
    bestRSS <- beststep_RSS
    inset <- c(inset,beststep_par)
    outset[-which(outset == beststep_par)] 

get_error <- function(X = NULL, beta = NULL, intercept = 0) {
  ### 31 random X variables, standard normal 
  if (is.null(X)) {
    X <- mvrnorm(300,rep(0,31), M)
  ### 10 random beta coefficients 21 zero coefficients
  if (is.null(beta)) {
    beta <- c(rnorm(10,0,0.4^0.5),rep(0,21))
  ### Y with added noise
  Y <- (X %*% beta) + rnorm(length(X[,1]),0,6.25^0.5)
  ### get step order
  step_order <- stepforward(Y,X, intercept)

  ### error computation
  l <- 10
  error <- matrix(rep(0,31*31),31) ### this variable will store error for 31 submodel sizes
  for (l in 1:31) {
    ### subdata
    Z <- X[,step_order[1:l]]
    sub_data <- data.frame(Y=Y,Z=Z)
    ### compute model
    if (intercept) {
      sub_mod <- lm(Y ~ . + 1, data = sub_data)
    else {
      sub_mod <- lm(Y ~ . + 0, data = sub_data)    
    ### compute error in coefficients
    coef <- rep(0,31)
    if (intercept) {
      coef[step_order[1:l]] <- sub_mod$coefficients[-1]
    else {
      coef[step_order[1:l]] <- sub_mod$coefficients[]
    error[l,] <- (coef - beta)

### storing results in this matrix and vector
corrMSE <- matrix(rep(0,10*31),10)
corr_err <- rep(0,10)

for (k_corr in 1:10) {
  corr <- seq(0.05,0.95,0.1)[k_corr]
  ### correlation matrix for X
  M <- matrix(rep(corr,31^2),31)
  for (i in 1:31) {
    M[i,i] = 1
  ### perform 50 times the model 
  X <- mvrnorm(300,rep(1,31), M)           
  beta <- c(rnorm(10,0,0.4^0.5),rep(0,21)) 
  nrep <- 50
  me <- replicate(nrep,get_error(X,beta, intercept = 1)) ### this line uses fixed X and beta
  ###me <- replicate(nrep,get_error(beta = beta, intercept = 1)) ### this line uses random X and fixed beta
  ###me <- replicate(nrep,get_error(intercept = 1)) ### random X and beta each replicate
  ### storage for error statistics per coefficient and per k
  mean_error <- matrix(rep(0,31^2),31)
  mean_MSE <- matrix(rep(0,31^2),31)
  mean_var <- matrix(rep(0,31^2),31)
  ### compute error statistics
  ### MSE, and bias + variance for each coefficient seperately
  ### k relates to the subset size 
  ### i refers to the coefficient
  ### averaging is done over the multiple simulations
  for (i in 1:31) {
    mean_error[i,] <- sapply(1:31, FUN = function(k) mean(me[k,i,]))
    mean_MSE[i,] <- sapply(1:31, FUN = function(k) mean(me[k,i,]^2))
    mean_var[i,] <- mean_MSE[i,] - mean_error[i,]^2
  ### store results from the loop
  plotset <- 1:31
  corrMSE[k_corr,] <- colMeans(mean_MSE[plotset,])
  corr_err[k_corr] <- mean((6.25)*diag(solve(t(X[,1:31]) %*% (X[,1:31]))))

### plotting curves
plot(-10,-10, ylim = c(0,4), xlim = c(1,31), type = "l", lwd = 2,
     xlab = "Subset size k", ylab = expression((MSE)/(sigma^2 *diag(X^T*X)^-1)),
     main = "mean square error of parameters \n normalized",
     xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

for (i in c(1,3,5,7,9,10)) {
  lines(1:31,corrMSE[i,]*1/corr_err[i], col = hsv(0.5+i/20,0.5,0.75-i/20))

col <- c(1,3,5,7,9,10)
legend(31,4, c(expression(rho == 0.05),expression(rho == 0.25),
               expression(rho == 0.45),expression(rho == 0.65),
               expression(rho == 0.85),expression(rho == 0.95)), xjust = 1,
       col = hsv(0.5+col/20,0.5,0.75-col/20), lty = 1)