)。我们从一个简单的模型开始(“RT 是否受试验次数的影响?”)并扩展它(“NativeLanguage 有什么影响”等),直到我们最终得到这个:
model4 = lmer(RT ~ Trial + NativeLanguage + (1|Word) + (1 + Trial|Subject), lexdec)
我们学到的一种方法是 t 检验。在没有混合效应的最简单模型中,我们免费获得结果:
summary(lm(RT ~ Trial, lexdec))
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.4172041 0.0144549 443.948 <2e-16 ***
Trial -0.0003060 0.0001256 -2.435 0.015 *
甜的!如果我们将 alpha 值固定为标准 0.05(或 0.025,因为它是一个双边测试),那么 Trial 的影响实际上是显着的。
不提供这个,而是我们只得到报告的 t 值。所以这是我们检查这些值是否重要的脚本:
ttest <- function (model, effect, df, alpha=0.05) {
# Performs a two-sided t-test for a given alpha value on the given model.
t <- abs(coef(summary(model))[effect, 't value'])
q <- qt(1 - alpha / 2, df=df)
paste('|t| =', round(t, 3), '>', round(q, 3), '?', t > q)
现在棘手的部分:如何提出自由度(df)?我一直将 df 理解为我可以独立排列的变量的数量(有时会限制其他变量,例如机器人关节)。
很多时候,我会被以下定义抛出:(参见此处的多重线性回归自由度),当然还有学生和韦尔奇 t 检验的 df 公式。所有这些都会导致不同数量的 df,但是对于无限多的 df,它们无论如何都无关紧要(维基百科的 t 值表很好地表明,即使对于 100+,它对于“我们的”小型行为实验来说也几乎不重要)。
!)中也有许多 dfs: F-statistic: 5.931 on 1 and 1657 DF, p-value: 0.01498
。等等,1657?这似乎很多。但它是样本数()减去 2,因此:和,它必须是唯一的变量。Trial
所以我假设图书馆的样本数量是最好的猜测。但是:如果我在测试我的科目之前干净地编写我的模型,我将不知道我最终会得到多少 df(我会有 30 个科目吗?还是只有 29 个,因为一个人生病了?),因为这个数字取决于。所以我的模型中一定有一个变量,当然我可以找到同意我的人(线性混合模型中的自由度计算):
在 [...] 模型中,您有一个截距参数、每个随机效应项的方差参数和给定随机效应的观测值的方差参数
如果我数一下,我会得出 7 个:截距、试验方差、NativeLanguage-Variance、单词截距-方差、主题-截距-方差、主题-试验-方差、残差。
告诉我们:Pr(>|t|) = 0.015
,但我们现在找到:|t| = 2.435 > 4.303 ? FALSE
,因为 df 现在太小了。
此外,对于复杂模型,我们得到多个 t 值。我们应该考虑哪些?如果一切都很重要,那么重要的事情吗?一?我听说了很多关于多项测试的更正 - 如果我测试多个参数,是否已经需要它?
有人可以阐明我陷入的这种意义和黑暗吗?我的方法甚至正确吗?或者没有简单的答案,我总是必须考虑许多不同的东西作为 df - 并且可以通过使用足够的样本和参与者来假设无限多(我有时听说拥有太多也不是很好,没有解释,但我认为这是由于过度拟合?)?
一个类似的问题是如何确定序数回归中 t 检验的自由度?,没有答案,我很享受How to get the degree of Freedom when doing multiple linear regression? ,不幸的是,它比较了嵌套模型——我目前对此不感兴趣。
ttest <- function (model, effect, df, alpha=0.05) {
# Performs a two-sided t-test for a given alpha value on the given model.
t = abs(coef(summary(model))[effect, 't value'])
q = qt(1 - alpha / 2, df=df)
paste('|t| =', round(t, 3), '>', round(q, 3), '?', t > q)
model1 = lm(RT ~ Trial, lexdec)
print(paste("Is reaction time affected by the number of trials only?", ttest(model1, 'Trial', 2)))
# snip models 2-3
model4 = lmer(RT ~ Trial + (1 + Trial|Subject) + (1|Word) + NativeLanguage, lexdec)
print(paste("Is reaction time still affected by trials if considering native language and by-subject variance?", ttest(model4, 'Trial', 7)))
print(paste("Is reaction time still affected by native language if considering by-subject variance?", ttest(model4, 'NativeLanguageOther', 7)))
> library('languageR')
> library('lme4')
> ttest <- function (model, effect, df, alpha=0.05) {
+ # Performs a two-sided t-test for a given alpha value on the given model.
+ t = abs(coef(summary(model))[effect, 't value'])
+ q = qt(1 - alpha / 2, df=df)
+ paste('|t| =', round(t, 3), '>', round(q, 3), '?', t > q)
+ }
> model1 = lm(RT ~ Trial, lexdec)
> summary(model1)
lm(formula = RT ~ Trial, data = lexdec)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.53961 -0.16943 -0.04366 0.11594 1.18357
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.4172041 0.0144549 443.948 <2e-16 ***
Trial -0.0003060 0.0001256 -2.435 0.015 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.2412 on 1657 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.003567, Adjusted R-squared: 0.002965
F-statistic: 5.931 on 1 and 1657 DF, p-value: 0.01498
> print(paste("Is reaction time affected by the number of trials only?", ttest(model1, 'Trial', 2)))
[1] "Is reaction time affected by the number of trials only? |t| = 2.435 > 4.303 ? FALSE"
> # snip models 2-3
> model4 = lmer(RT ~ Trial + (1 + Trial|Subject) + (1|Word) +NativeLanguage, lexdec)
Warning messages:
1: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00759802 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
2: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
- Rescale variables?
> summary(model4)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: RT ~ Trial + (1 + Trial | Subject) + (1 | Word) + NativeLanguage
Data: lexdec
REML criterion at convergence: -922.6
Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.3256 -0.6159 -0.0954 0.4647 6.0361
Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
Word (Intercept) 5.942e-03 0.0770873
Subject (Intercept) 3.179e-02 0.1783087
Trial 4.937e-07 0.0007026 -0.72
Residual 2.869e-02 0.1693814
Number of obs: 1659, groups: Word, 79; Subject, 21
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 6.3403360 0.0477379 132.82
Trial -0.0002435 0.0001778 -1.37
NativeLanguageOther 0.1640987 0.0563356 2.91
Correlation of Fixed Effects:
(Intr) Trial
Trial -0.609
NtvLnggOthr -0.506 0.001
convergence code: 0
Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00759802 (tol = 0.002, component 1)
Model is nearly unidentifiable: very large eigenvalue
- Rescale variables?
> print(paste("Is reaction time still affected by trials if considering native language and by-subject variance?", ttest(model4, 'Trial', 7)))
[1] "Is reaction time still affected by trials if considering native language and by-subject variance? |t| = 1.369 > 2.365 ? FALSE"
> print(paste("Is reaction time still affected by native language if considering by-subject variance?", ttest(model4, 'NativeLanguageOther', 7)))
[1] "Is reaction time still affected by native language if considering by-subject variance? |t| = 2.913 > 2.365 ? TRUE"