这适合使用截断功率基础的自然样条曲线(线性尾部受限)。在此示例中,未使用默认节点(基于预测变量的分位数);相反,我们指定 4 个结。获得拟合优度检验的唯一方法是假设一个比这更丰富的模型,看看它是否改进了下面拟合的模型。但是anova()
通过将非线性项汇集到复合(“块”)测试(F = 175.38)中来测试线性关系的拟合优度。
x <- 1:11
y <- c(0.2,0.40, 0.6, 0.75, 0.88, 0.99, 1.1, 1.15, 1.16, 1.16, 1.16 )
dd <- datadist(x); options(datadist='dd')
f <- ols(y ~ rcs(x, c(3, 5, 7, 9)))
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = y ~ rcs(x, c(3, 5, 7, 9)))
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 11 LR chi2 66.08 R2 0.998
sigma 0.0201 d.f. 3 R2 adj 0.996
d.f. 7 Pr(> chi2) 0.0000 g 0.383
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.027360 -0.011739 0.001227 0.009892 0.031166
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 0.0465 0.0224 2.08 0.0762
x 0.1741 0.0072 24.18 <0.0001
x' -0.1004 0.0311 -3.23 0.0144
x'' 0.0542 0.0913 0.59 0.5715
Analysis of Variance Response: y
Factor d.f. Partial SS MS F P
x 3 1.152321844 0.3841072814 946.15 <.0001
Nonlinear 2 0.142398208 0.0711991039 175.38 <.0001
REGRESSION 3 1.152321844 0.3841072814 946.15 <.0001
ERROR 7 0.002841792 0.0004059703
ggplot(Predict(f)) + geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), data=data.frame(x,y))
Function(f) ## if have latex installed can also use latex(f)
function(x = 6) {0.046475489+0.17411942* x-0.002790266*pmax(x- 3,0)^3+0.0015048699*pmax(x-5,0)^3+0.0053610582*pmax(x-7,0)^3-0.0040756621*pmax(x-9,0)^3 }
function(x) 0.174 - 3 * 0.00279 * pmax(x - 3, 0) ^ 2 + 3 * 0.0015 * pmax(x - 5, 0) ^ 2 + ...