
机器算法验证 t检验 置换检验
2022-02-28 21:19:12

当人们实施置换检验以将单个样本与均值进行比较时(例如,您可能使用置换 t 检验),均值是如何处理的?我已经看到了采用平均值和样本进行置换测试的实现,但不清楚它们实际上在做什么。是否有一种有意义的方法可以对一个样本与假设的平均值进行置换检验(例如 t 检验)?或者,或者,他们只是默认使用引擎盖下的非排列测试?(例如,尽管调用了置换函数或设置了置换测试标志,但默认为标准 t 检验或类似函数)





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onetPermutation这在包中的 R 函数的源代码中很容易看到DAAG这是相关代码的摘录,我添加了注释:

function (x, nsim) {

  ## Initialize and pre-allocate

  n <- length(x)
  dbar <- mean(x)
  absx <- abs(x)  # there's actually a bug in the code; below you'll see that the function ends up re-computing abs(x) instead of using this
  z <- array(, nsim)

  ## Run the simulation    

  for (i in 1:nsim) {                             # Do nsim times:
      mn <- sample(c(-1, 1), n, replace = TRUE)   #  1. take n random draws from {-1, 1}, where n is the length of the data to be tested
      xbardash <- mean(mn * abs(x))               #  2. assign the signs to the data and put them in a temporary variable
      z[i] <- xbardash                            #  3. save the new data in an array

  ## Return the p value
  # p = the fraction of fake data that is:
  #      larger than |sample mean of x|, or
  #    smaller than -|sample mean of x|

  (sum(z >= abs(dbar)) + sum(z <= -abs(dbar)))/nsim