
机器算法验证 数据可视化 饼形图
2022-03-27 02:44:12

下面这种图表是否有名称(来自新西兰商业、创新和就业部,我为之工作,但我没有参与创建此图)?它由面积与变量成比例的矩形组成,类似于饼图、马赛克图和 mekko 图之间的交叉。它可能最接近 mekko 图,但复杂的是我们不是在使用列,而是使用更复杂的拼图。


令人惊讶的是,它实际上让我觉得统计图形还不错,尽管可以通过更好地使用映射到有意义的颜色来改进它。纽约时报使用了一个显示美国 2011 年预算的强大互动版本







我们可能想要对这样的图表做些什么,从对整体模式的一些掌握到对个别案例的一些审查(霍克湾怎么样,等等)。我断言两者都更容易使用条形图。小细节是我在简单的标题和名称中使用小写字母,并且不要重复 % 符号。我粗略地模仿了颜色编码,但没有弄清楚它的含义,所以它和你复制的一样清晰或模糊。

我认为树形图的一些吸引力在于它们的相对新颖性。如果有几十个名称,它们可能与条形图一样好或更好,它们可以分布在一个二维区域而不是在一长列中列出。但对于 15 个左右的名字,条形图在我看来仍然是一个强大的竞争对手。




有几个包,例如在 R 中,可以创建树形图。其中一个包称为treemap,另一个包称为portfolio。例如,Nathan Yau 提供了一个关于如何使用 R 创建树形图的教程 ( http://flowingdata.com/2010/02/11/an-easy-way-to-make-a-treemap/ )。


从那以后,我发现treemap包比下面提到(和改编)的 map.market() 函数提供了更好的结果;但出于历史原因,我会留下我的答案。


感谢您的回答。基于@JTT 提供的流动数据链接,但不喜欢在 Illustrator 或 Inkscape 中手动调整以获得合理的图形,我调整了 Jeff Enos 和 David Kane 的投资组合包中的 map.market() 函数以使其更多用户控制,标签因矩形大小而异,并避免红绿对比。示例用法:


    treemap(id    = symbol,
        area  = price,
        group = sector,
        color = 100 * month.ret,
        labsc = .12,  # user-chosen scaling of labels 
        fontfamily="Comic Sans MS")


对于它的价值,我也同意@NickCox 的观点,即在我最初问题的示例中,点图更胜一筹。我改编的 treemap() 函数的代码如下。

treemap <- function (id, area, group, color, scale = NULL, lab = c(group = TRUE, 
    id = FALSE), low="red", middle="grey60", high="blue", main = "Map of the Market", labsc = c(.5, 1), print = TRUE, ...) 
    # Adapted by Peter Ellis from map.market() by Jeff Enos and David Kane in the portfolio package on CRAN
    # See map.market for the original helpfile.  The changes are:
    # 1. low, middle and high are user-set color ramp choices
    # 2. The font size now varies with the area of the rectangle being labelled; labsc is a scaling parameter to make it look ok.
    #    First element of labsc is scaling parameter for size of group labels.  Second element is scaling for id labels.
    # 3. ... extra arguments to be passed to gpar() when drawing labels; expected use is for fontfamily="whatever"
    if (any(length(id) != length(area), length(id) != length(group), 
        length(id) != length(color))) {
        stop("id, area, group, and color must be the same length.")
    if (length(lab) == 1) {
        lab[2] <- lab[1]
    if (missing(id)) {
        id <- seq_along(area)
        lab["id"] <- FALSE
    data <- data.frame(label = id, group, area, color)
    data <- data[order(data$area, decreasing = TRUE), ]
    na.idx <- which(is.na(data$area) | is.na(data$group) | is.na(data$color))
    if (length(na.idx)) {
        warning("Stocks with NAs for area, group, or color will not be shown")
        data <- data[-na.idx, ]
    zero.area.idx <- which(data$area == 0)
    if (length(zero.area.idx)) {
        data <- data[-zero.area.idx, ]
    if (nrow(data) == 0) {
        stop("No records to display")
    data$color.orig <- data$color
    if (is.null(scale)) {
        data$color <- data$color * 1/max(abs(data$color))
    else {
        data$color <- sapply(data$color, function(x) {
            if (x/scale > 1) 
            else if (-1 > x/scale) 
            else x/scale
    data.by.group <- split(data, data$group, drop = TRUE)
    group.data <- lapply(data.by.group, function(x) {
        sum(x[, 3])
    group.data <- data.frame(area = as.numeric(group.data), label = names(group.data))
    group.data <- group.data[order(group.data$area, decreasing = TRUE), 
    group.data$color <- rep(NULL, nrow(group.data))
    color.ramp.pos <- colorRamp(c(middle, high))
    color.ramp.neg <- colorRamp(c(middle, low))
    color.ramp.rgb <- function(x) {
        col.mat <- mapply(function(x) {
            if (x < 0) {
            else {
        }, x)
        mapply(rgb, col.mat[1, ], col.mat[2, ], col.mat[3, ], 
            max = 255)
    add.viewport <- function(z, label, color, x.0, y.0, x.1, 
        y.1) {
        for (i in 1:length(label)) {
            if (is.null(color[i])) {
                filler <- gpar(col = "blue", fill = "transparent", 
                  cex = 1)
            else {
                filler.col <- color.ramp.rgb(color[i])
                filler <- gpar(col = filler.col, fill = filler.col, 
                  cex = 0.6)
            new.viewport <- viewport(x = x.0[i], y = y.0[i], 
                width = (x.1[i] - x.0[i]), height = (y.1[i] - 
                  y.0[i]), default.units = "npc", just = c("left", 
                  "bottom"), name = as.character(label[i]), clip = "on", 
                gp = filler)
            z <- append(z, list(new.viewport))
    squarified.treemap <- function(z, x = 0, y = 0, w = 1, h = 1, 
        func = add.viewport, viewport.list) {
        cz <- cumsum(z$area)/sum(z$area)
        n <- which.min(abs(log(max(w/h, h/w) * sum(z$area) * 
        more <- n < length(z$area)
        a <- c(0, cz[1:n])/cz[n]
        if (h > w) {
            viewport.list <- func(viewport.list, z$label[1:n], 
                z$color[1:n], x + w * a[1:(length(a) - 1)], rep(y, 
                  n), x + w * a[-1], rep(y + h * cz[n], n))
            if (more) {
                viewport.list <- Recall(z[-(1:n), ], x, y + h * 
                  cz[n], w, h * (1 - cz[n]), func, viewport.list)
        else {
            viewport.list <- func(viewport.list, z$label[1:n], 
                z$color[1:n], rep(x, n), y + h * a[1:(length(a) - 
                  1)], rep(x + w * cz[n], n), y + h * a[-1])
            if (more) {
                viewport.list <- Recall(z[-(1:n), ], x + w * 
                  cz[n], y, w * (1 - cz[n]), h, func, viewport.list)
    map.viewport <- viewport(x = 0.05, y = 0.05, width = 0.9, 
        height = 0.75, default.units = "npc", name = "MAP", just = c("left", 
    map.tree <- gTree(vp = map.viewport, name = "MAP", children = gList(rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = "dark grey"), 
        name = "background")))
    group.viewports <- squarified.treemap(z = group.data, viewport.list = list())
    for (i in 1:length(group.viewports)) {
        this.group <- data.by.group[[group.data$label[i]]]
        this.data <- data.frame(this.group$area, this.group$label, 
        names(this.data) <- c("area", "label", "color")
        stock.viewports <- squarified.treemap(z = this.data, 
            viewport.list = list())
        group.tree <- gTree(vp = group.viewports[[i]], name = group.data$label[i])
        for (s in 1:length(stock.viewports)) {
            stock.tree <- gTree(vp = stock.viewports[[s]], name = this.data$label[s], 
                children = gList(rectGrob(name = "color")))
            if (lab[2]) {
                stock.tree <- addGrob(stock.tree, textGrob(x = unit(1, 
                  "lines"), y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(1, "lines"), 
                  label = this.data$label[s], gp = gpar(col = "white", fontsize=this.data$area[s] * labsc[2], ...), 
                  name = "label", just = c("left", "top")))
            group.tree <- addGrob(group.tree, stock.tree)
        group.tree <- addGrob(group.tree, rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = "grey"), 
            name = "border"))
        if (lab[1]) {
            group.tree <- addGrob(group.tree, textGrob(label = group.data$label[i], 
                name = "label", gp = gpar(col = "white", fontsize=group.data$area[i] * labsc[1], ...)))
        map.tree <- addGrob(map.tree, group.tree)
    op <- options(digits = 1)
    top.viewport <- viewport(x = 0.05, y = 1, width = 0.9, height = 0.2, 
        default.units = "npc", name = "TOP", , just = c("left", 
    legend.ncols <- 51
    l.x <- (0:(legend.ncols - 1))/(legend.ncols)
    l.y <- unit(0.25, "npc")
    l.cols <- color.ramp.rgb(seq(-1, 1, by = 2/(legend.ncols - 
    if (is.null(scale)) {
        l.end <- max(abs(data$color.orig))
    else {
        l.end <- scale
    top.list <- gList(textGrob(label = main, y = unit(0.7, "npc"), 
        just = c("center", "center"), gp = gpar(cex = 2, ...)), segmentsGrob(x0 = seq(0, 
        1, by = 0.25), y0 = unit(0.25, "npc"), x1 = seq(0, 1, 
        by = 0.25), y1 = unit(0.2, "npc")), rectGrob(x = l.x, 
        y = l.y, width = 1/legend.ncols, height = unit(1, "lines"), 
        just = c("left", "bottom"), gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = l.cols), 
        default.units = "npc"), textGrob(label = format(l.end * 
        seq(-1, 1, by = 0.5), trim = TRUE), x = seq(0, 1, by = 0.25), 
        y = 0.1, default.units = "npc", just = c("center", "center"), 
        gp = gpar(col = "black", cex = 0.8, fontface = "bold")))
    top.tree <- gTree(vp = top.viewport, name = "TOP", children = top.list)
    mapmarket <- gTree(name = "MAPMARKET", children = gList(rectGrob(gp = gpar(col = "dark grey", 
        fill = "dark grey"), name = "background"), top.tree, 
    if (print) {

这是一个树形图,您可以使用 Tableau 8 和免费的 Tableau Public 轻松完成,请参见此处的示例:http ://www.tableausoftware.com/new-features/new-view-types 。还可以看到@this URL 表示Treemap 可以和Bar Chart 结合