当然,这当然是可能的。基本上,您需要设置一个加密映射来捕获和加密 L2TP 流量。psuedowire\L2TP 配置可以附加到 Virtual-PPP 接口。这是一个应该让你开始的配置片段。
! Basic ISAKMP\IPSec configuration, tweak as needed.
crypto isakmp policy 10
encr 3des
authentication pre-share
group 2
lifetime 4000
crypto isakmp key *preshared key* address
crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES256-SHA1 esp-aes 256 esp-sha-hmac
mode transport
! Crypto map that will catch our L2TP Traffic defined in the L2TP_TRAFFIC ACL.
crypto map L2TP_VPN 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set ESP-AES256-SHA1
match address L2TP_TRAFFIC
! Match the L2TP traffic.
ip access-list extended L2TP_TRAFFIC
permit udp host *Outbound IP* eq 1701 host eq 1701
! Apply the crypto map to the outbound\internet facing interface.
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
crypto map L2TP_VPN
! Define the psuedowire class that will speak L2TP and the source interface.
pseudowire-class L2TP_PW
encapsulation l2tpv2
ip local interface FastEthernet0/0
! Create Virtual-PPP interface to bind the psuedowire class to.
interface Virtual-PPP1
description L2TP Tunnel
ip address negotiated
ppp chap hostname *User Name*
ppp chap password *Password*
ppp ipcp address accept
pseudowire 1 pw-class L2TP_PW
您还需要为您的场景添加相关的 NAT 和/或路由。