刚刚观看了最近关于虚拟助手在讲笑话方面表现的 WIRED 视频。它们是由人类组成的,但我想知道人工智能是否已经足够好,可以写一些了。
最近写了一篇论文,试图使用无监督学习来生成笑话。这些笑话是公式化的:它们都是“我喜欢我的 X 就像我喜欢我的 Y:Z”的形式,其中 X 和 Y 是名词,Z 是可以描述 X 和 Y 的形容词。这里有一些本文产生的笑话:
I like my relationships like I like my source, open I like my coffee like I like my war, cold I like my boys like I like my sectors, bad
Dario Bertero 和 Pascale Fung的另一篇论文利用 LSTM 从大爆炸理论显示的数据集中预测幽默。这不是在生成笑话,而是找出在该数据集中讲笑话的位置(因此理论上,生成的标记数据集有望用于训练模型以创建笑话)。
Apple is teaming up with Playboy Magazine in the self driving office. One of the top economy in China , Lady Gaga says today that Obama is legal. Google Plus has introduced the remains that lowers the age of coffee. According to a new study , the governor of film welcome the leading actor of Los Angeles area , Donald Trump .
在撰写本文时,用于字符级语言模型的多层循环神经网络(LSTM、GRU、RNN)似乎是迄今为止最有希望的方法。也许如果您发现一些非常酷的数据,您可以想出一些有趣的笑话,类似于Janelle Shane能够生成我认为非常有趣的提词,例如:
Are you a 4loce? Because you’re so hot!
I want to get my heart with you.
You are so beautiful that you know what I mean.
I have a cenver? Because I just stowe must your worms.
Hey baby, I’m swirked to gave ever to say it for drive.
If I were to ask you out?
You must be a tringle? Cause you’re the only thing here.
I’m not on your wears, but I want to see your start.
You are so beautiful that you make me feel better to see you.
Hey baby, you’re to be a key? Because I can bear your toot?
I don’t know you.
I have to give you a book, because you’re the only thing in your eyes.
Are you a candle? Because you’re so hot of the looks with you.
I want to see you to my heart.
If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I have a price tighting.
I have a really falling for you.
Your beauty have a fine to me.
Are you a camera? Because I want to see the most beautiful than you.
I had a come to got your heart.
You’re so beautiful that you say a bat on me and baby.
You look like a thing and I love you.
正因为如此,以及现有方法似乎不能可靠地产生自由形式的好笑话这一事实,似乎没有理由相信 ML 方法可以产生好笑话。
令人惊讶的是,我刚刚发现了一个关于此的声明。我刚刚在 twitter 上看到它,该模型只是一个 GPT-2,具有 355M 参数,训练有 200,000 个原始标题和基于正文的笑话。令人惊奇的是,GPT-2 是最先进的文本生成模型,如果训练有素,它甚至可以翻译或回答数学问题。
让我们看看 twitter 的示例输出。