我用 fortran 90 写了一个有限元代码。
我分别使用三角形和tetgen进行 2D 和 3D 网格划分,所以这个过程当然很快。
例如,对于 2D 中的单位正方形 [0,1]x[0,1],我有一个文件,其中包含其节点的坐标(例如,具有 5 个节点的网格):
1 0.0 0.0 # coordinates of node 1
2 1.0 0.0 # coordinates of node 2
3 1.0 1.0 # coordinates of node 3
4 0.0 1.0 # coordinates of node 4
5 0.5 0.5 # coordinates of node 5
,它有 4 个元素(三角形),节点称为element.dat
1 1 5 4 # vertices of triangle 1
2 1 2 5 # vertices of triangle 2
3 2 3 5 # vertices of triangle 3
4 5 2 4 # vertices of triangle 4
1 1 2 # initial and final node of edge 1
2 2 3 # initial and final node of edge 2
3 3 4 # initial and final node of edge 3
4 4 1 # initial and final node of edge 4
5 1 5 # initial and final node of edge 5
6 5 2 # initial and final node of edge 6
7 2 5 # initial and final node of edge 7
8 5 4 # initial and final node of edge 8
(1) 给定一个元素(三角形或四面体),我需要知道它的边数(分别为边和面)。例如,我需要生成以下结构或文件,称为struct1.dat
1 5 8 4 # triangle 1 has the edges number 5, 8 and 4
2 1 6 5 # triangle 2 has the edges number 1, 6 and 5
3 6 2 7 # triangle 2 has the edges number 6, 2 and 7
4 7 3 8 # triangle 4 has the edges number 7, 3 and 8
(2) 此外,给定一条边(边或面),我需要知道该边共享的 2 个元素(如果边在边界上,则只有一个)的元素编号。例如,我需要生成以下结构(或文件),称为struct2.dat
1 2 0 # edge number 1 is only on element 2
2 3 0 # edge number 2 is only on element 3
3 4 0 # edge number 3 is only on element 4
4 1 0 # edge number 4 is only on element 1
5 1 2 # edge number 5 is sharing by elements 1 and 2
6 3 2 # edge number 6 is sharing by elements 3 and 2
7 4 3 # edge number 7 is sharing by elements 4 and 3
8 1 4 # edge number 8 is sharing by elements 1 and 4
我正在寻找一种为此优化的算法(一篇论文,或者更好的:fortran 中的一个子程序可供下载)?我想继续使用三角形和 tetgen,但我愿意听取其他选择。