这有点漏掉了重点。并不是人们很关心匹配或复制“模拟”,而是数字 IIR 滤波器具有一些非常好的和有用的特性。
例如在音频中,IIR 滤波器非常常见,我每天都使用 Butterworths。
最直接的原因只是过滤器长度。当采样率为 48 kHz 时,要在 40 Hz 下做任何有意义的事情,FIR 滤波器需要有数千个抽头长度。在某些情况下,您可以使用多速率过滤器来非常有效地实现这一点,但我不确定这是否普遍适用。另一种可能的选择是基于 FFT 的过滤器(重叠相加等),但这在延迟和效率之间提出了一个重要的权衡。
如果你坚持使用线性相位滤波器,延迟很快就会变得非常大,并且你会失去因果关系。从技术上讲,您可以通过简单地反转单位圆外的零点来将任何线性相位 FIR 转换为最小相位 FIR,但这在高阶数字上是一个尴尬的过程。
一个更“哲学的原因”是人类听觉或多或少地使用对数频率轴,而 IIR 滤波器更适合于此。例如,8kHz 的 IIR 倍频程带通滤波器看起来与 125Hz 的滤波器完全相同(中心频率除外)。FIR 滤波器将大不相同。
IIR 非常适合分频:奇阶巴特沃斯低通和高通滤波器总和为平坦的频率响应(尽管它通常是全通的)。对于偶数订单,您可以使用 Linkwitz Riley 过滤器(基于 Butterworths)。您可以改用线性相位 FIR,但同样会遇到延迟和因果关系问题。
示例 1
这只是一个非常简单的高通,您可以在任何花园品种有源扬声器中使用。以 48 kHz 采样的 40 Hz。我使用firls()
. 匹配是手动完成的,所以它们看起来一样。我需要在 FIR 滤波器上进行大约 6000 个抽头才能使其达到预期效果
[z,p,k] = butter(6,40*2/48000,'high');
h=firls(6000,[0 10 65 fs/2]*2/fs,[0 0 1 1])';
对我来说,FIR 在延迟、内存占用方面似乎非常逊色。一个 6 阶 BW 只有 13 个系数和 6-8 个状态变量。您可以通过利用零都在z=1.
示例 2:
Butterworth 允许非常高效的实现,没有可听伪影、没有固有延迟、非常低的内存占用和非常低的 CPU 消耗。
%% Script to implement a sliding high pass filter, that can be adjusted on the fly
% This type of "sliding highpass" is typically used in smart speakers with a
% "closed box" topology to control trasnducer excursion at high output
% volume
% Requirements:
% - sample rate: 48 kHz
% - frame size: 128 samples
% - cutoff frequency varies from 40 Hz to 100 Hz
% - highpass slope: 36 dB/octave. In other words level at half the cutoff
% frequency should be <= -36 dB
% - Level at cutoff frequency not less than -3dB
% - passband ripple: < .01 dB above 200 Hz (where spectral perception is
% more sensitive)
% - cutoff frequency is updated once per frame
% - no additional latency
% - smooth updating filter, no pops or clicks
% Implementation
% - 6th order butterworth
% - pole location and filter gain as a function of frequency are
% approximated as a polynomial fit. At these low frequencies, a linear
% fit (1rst order polynomial) works perfectly.
% - The filter coefficients are calcuated once per frame based on the
% current cutoff frequency
% - Filter is implemented as cascaded second order sections in Direct Form
% I. For Direct Form I, the state variable are simply the inputs and
% outputs, so updateing the filter deosn't create a discontinuity in the
% state variables.
% Test
% - input signal is a 50 Hz sine wave, low frequency sine waves are very
% sensitive to artifacts
% - cutoff frequency input is a mixture of step function, up and down sweeps
% and uniformly distributed random numbers between 40Hz and 100Hz
%% Table up the poles and the gain of the filters, perform polynomial fit
ord = 6;
fs = 48000;
fr = (40:.1:100)';
nfr = length(fr);
p0 = cell(nfr,1); % pole locations
k0 = zeros(nfr,1); % filter gains
for i = 1:nfr
[z,p,k] = butter(ord,2*fr(i)/fs,'high');
p0{i} = p(imag(p)>0);
k0(i) = k;
p0 = [p0{:}].'; % convert cell array to regular array
%% do a simple linear for poles and gains
% we fit the real part and the gain in (1-x) since they are very close to 1
ppPoles = cell(3,2);
for i = 1:3
ppPoles{i,1} = polyfit(fr,1-real(p0(:,i)),1); % 1 minus real part
ppPoles{i,2} = polyfit(fr,imag(p0(:,i)),1); % imginary part
% and the gains in 1-k
ppGain = polyfit(fr,1-k0,2);
%% test the polyfit, calculate the resulting transfer functions at a few
% frequencies
frTest = 40:10:100;
nfrTest = length(frTest);
nFFT = 16384*2;
d0 = zeros(nFFT,1); d0(1) = 1;
fy = zeros(nFFT,nfrTest);
sos = zeros(ord/2,6);
sos(:,1) = 1; sos(:,2) = -2; sos(:,3) = 1;
for i = 1:nfrTest
f = frTest(i);
for ip = 1:3
x = 1-polyval(ppPoles{ip,1},f); % real part
y = polyval(ppPoles{ip,2},f); % imginary part
sos(ip,4:6) = [1 -2*x x^2+y^2];
k = 1-polyval(ppGain,f);
fy(:,i) = fft(k*sosfilt(sos,d0));
% this checks out fine
%% Real time part, preperation
frameSize = 128; % frame size
frameRate = fs/frameSize; % number of frames per second
% let's do 10 seconds but an integer number of frames
nx = 10*fs;
numFrames = floor(nx/frameSize);
nx = numFrames*frameSize;
% build a test signal: 50 hz sine wave
xin = sqrt(.5)*sin(2*pi*(0:nx-1)'*50/fs); % 50 Hz sine wave at -3 dB
% build control frequency signal, one frequency per frame
frInput = 40*ones(numFrames,1);
% let's do a bit of rectangular switching plus some random stuff
t = (1:frameRate);
frInput(frameRate+t) = 100;
frInput(3*frameRate+t) = 70;
% up and down sweep
frInput(5*frameRate+t) = linspace(40,100,frameRate);
frInput(6*frameRate+t) = flip(linspace(40,100,frameRate));
% some random numbers for good measure
frInput(7*frameRate+1:end) = 40+60*rand(3*frameRate,1);
% in order to smooth the very aprupt frequency transitions in the test
% vector, we smooth the frequency input with a time constant to 30ms
timeConstant = 0.03;
frSmooth = exp(-1./(timeConstant*frameRate));
frCurrent =40;
%% Real time over all frames
% we implement this as driect form I so the states are always guaranteed to
% be continous
signalState = zeros(2,4); % filter state, we need total of 8
freqState = frInput(1); % cutoff frequency states
xout = 0*xin; % initialize output
t = 1:frameSize; % time vector
t0 = 0; % current time
yy = [xout xout xout];
for iFrame = 1:numFrames
% get frequency input and apply smoothing
frCurrent = frSmooth*frCurrent + (1-frSmooth)*frInput(iFrame);
% calculate filter gain, grab input and scale it
k = 1-polyval(ppGain,frCurrent);
y = k*xin(t0+t);
% over all biquads
x1 = signalState(1,1); % grab input state for the first biquad
x2 = signalState(2,1);
for iPole = 1:3
% calculate the filter coeefficents
pReal = 1-polyval(ppPoles{iPole,1},frCurrent); % real part
pImag = polyval(ppPoles{iPole,2},frCurrent); % imaginary part
a1 = -2*pReal; % filter coefficient "a1"
a2 = pReal*pReal+pImag*pImag; % biquad coefficient "a2"
% grab the output state
y1 = signalState(1,iPole+1);
y2 = signalState(2,iPole+1);
% inner loop. Here efficieny is the most important
for i = t
x0 = y(i); % get input sample
y0 = x0-2*x1+x2-a1*y1-a2*y2; % DF1 Butterworth stage
% update state
x2 = x1; x1 = x0;
y2 = y1; y1 = y0;
y(i) = y0; % write output
end % end sample loop
% save the output state of this stage
signalState(1,iPole) = x1;
signalState(2,iPole) = x2;
% grab the input state for the next stage
x1 = signalState(1,iPole+1);
x2 = signalState(2,iPole+1);
% now write the output state
signalState(1,iPole+1) = y1;
signalState(2,iPole+1) = y2;
yy(t0+t,iPole) = y;
end % end poles/stages
% write output
xout(t0+t) = y;
t0 = t0 + frameSize;
end % end frame