我目前正在 Coursera 上学习统计推理课程。在其中一项作业中,出现了以下问题。
| Suppose you rolled the fair die twice.
What is the probability of rolling the same number two times in a row?
1: 2/6
2: 1/36
3: 0
4: 1/6
Selection: 2
| You're close...I can feel it! Try it again.
| Since we don't care what the outcome of the first roll is, its probability is 1.
The second roll of the dice has to match the outcome of the first,
so that has a probability of 1/6. The probability of both events occurring is 1 * 1/6.
我不明白这一点。我知道这两个骰子是独立的事件,它们的概率可以相乘,所以结果应该是 1/36。