
机器算法验证 r 回归 置信区间 物流 预测区间
2022-01-27 04:06:18


有人建议我遵循 Collett 的Modeling Binary Data,第 2 版 p.98-99 中的程序。在实现了这个过程并将其与 R 进行比较之后predict.glm,我实际上认为这本书展示了计算置信区间的过程,而不是预测区间。

Collett 的过程的实现,以及与 的比较predict.glm,如下所示。


#Derived from Collett 'Modelling Binary Data' 2nd Edition p.98-99
#Need reproducible "random" numbers.
seed <- 67

num.students <- 1000
which.student <- 1

#Generate data frame with made-up data from students:
set.seed(seed) #reset seed
v1 <- rbinom(num.students,1,0.7)
v2 <- rnorm(length(v1),0.7,0.3)
v3 <- rpois(length(v1),1)

#Create df representing students
students <- data.frame(
    intercept = rep(1,length(v1)),
    outcome = v1,
    score1 = v2,
    score2 = v3

predict.and.append <- function(input){
    #Create a vanilla logistic model as a function of score1 and score2
    data.model <- glm(outcome ~ score1 + score2, data=input, family=binomial)

    #Calculate predictions and SE.fit with the R package's internal method
    # These are in logits.
    predictions <- as.data.frame(predict(data.model, se.fit=TRUE, type='link'))

    predictions$actual <- input$outcome
    predictions$lower <- plogis(predictions$fit - 1.96 * predictions$se.fit)
    predictions$prediction <- plogis(predictions$fit)
    predictions$upper <- plogis(predictions$fit + 1.96 * predictions$se.fit)

    return (list(data.model, predictions))

output <- predict.and.append(students)

data.model <- output[[1]]


#Export vcov matrix 
model.vcov <- vcov(data.model)

# Now our goal is to reproduce 'predictions' and the se.fit manually using the vcov matrix
this.student.predictors <- as.matrix(students[which.student,c(1,3,4)])

this.student.prediction <- sum(this.student.predictors * coef(data.model))
square.student <- t(this.student.predictors) %*% this.student.predictors
se.student <- sqrt(sum(model.vcov * square.student))

manual.prediction <- data.frame(lower = plogis(this.student.prediction - 1.96*se.student), 
    prediction = plogis(this.student.prediction), 
    upper = plogis(this.student.prediction + 1.96*se.student))

print("Data preview:")
print(paste("Point estimate of the outcome probability for student", which.student,"(2.5%, point prediction, 97.5%) by Collett's procedure:"))
print(paste("Point estimate of the outcome probability for student", which.student,"(2.5%, point prediction, 97.5%) by R's predict.glm:"))    

预测区间预测实际响应数据值以给定概率落在何处。由于逻辑模型响应的可能值被限制为 0 和 1,因此 100% 预测区间为0<=y<=1. 没有其他区间对逻辑回归的预测真正有意义。由于它始终是相同的间隔,因此生成或讨论通常不够有趣。