
机器算法验证 r 采样 内核平滑
2022-01-20 02:46:52

我有 100 个连续的一维点的样本。我使用核方法估计了它的非参数密度。如何从这个估计分布中抽取随机样本?



repeat nsim times:
  sample (with replacement) a random observation from the data
  sample from the kernel, and add the previously sampled random observation

如果(例如)您使用高斯核,则您的密度估计是 100 个法线的混合,每个法线都以您的一个样本点为中心,并且所有的标准偏差等于估计的带宽。要绘制样本,您只需替换一个样本点(例如)进行采样,然后从中采样。在 R 中:hxiN(μ=xi,σ=h)

# Original distribution is exp(rate = 5)
N = 1000
x <- rexp(N, rate = 5)

hist(x, prob = TRUE)

# Store the bandwith of the estimated KDE
bw <- density(x)$bw

# Draw from the sample and then from the kernel
means <- sample(x, N, replace = TRUE)
hist(rnorm(N, mean = means, sd = bw), prob = TRUE)


M = 10
hist(rnorm(N * M, mean = x, sd = bw))


# Draw from proposal distribution which is normal(mu, sd = 1)
sam <- rnorm(N, mean(x), 1)

# Weight the sample using ratio of target and proposal densities
w <- sapply(sam, function(input) sum(dnorm(input, mean = x, sd = bw)) / 
                                 dnorm(input, mean(x), 1))

# Resample according to the weights to obtain an un-weighted sample
finalSample <- sample(sam, N, replace = TRUE, prob = w)

hist(finalSample, prob = TRUE)
