这是数据集的头部。共 50 行,每个品种 25 行。请注意,除计数和物种外,所有列都相同,表明它们来自同一采样位置。
> head(dej)
count type1 type2 perc.for.100m perc.dry.100m perc.wet.100m species
1 1 intensive dry 13.836 22.724 0.000 reali
2 3 extensive wet 6.877 1.613 52.213 reali
3 4 intensive wet 22.770 0.537 44.901 reali
4 6 intensive dry 17.346 42.322 6.359 reali
5 1 extensive wet 34.854 9.091 11.950 reali
6 2 extensive dry 50.387 19.245 0.000 reali
26 0 intensive dry 13.836 22.724 0.000 sinapis
27 0 extensive wet 6.877 1.613 52.213 sinapis
28 0 intensive wet 22.770 0.537 44.901 sinapis
29 0 intensive dry 17.346 42.322 6.359 sinapis
30 1 extensive wet 34.854 9.091 11.950 sinapis
31 1 extensive dry 50.387 19.245 0.000 sinapis
glm(formula = count ~ type1 + type2 + perc.for.100m + perc.dry.100m +
perc.wet.100m + species, family = poisson, data = dej)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.8458 -1.1414 -0.4546 0.8297 2.2145
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.028129 0.523509 0.054 0.95715
type1intensive 0.196699 0.191960 1.025 0.30551
type2wet 0.071841 0.334286 0.215 0.82984
perc.for.100m 0.003741 0.008277 0.452 0.65130
perc.dry.100m 0.010952 0.010750 1.019 0.30829
perc.wet.100m 0.007467 0.011596 0.644 0.51960
speciessinapis 0.597837 0.187689 3.185 0.00145 **
作为旁注,根据我对数据的探索,我希望计数将(至少)取决于 type2 变量,唉,这不是我得到的。
glm(formula = species ~ type1 + type2 + perc.for.100m + perc.dry.100m +
perc.wet.100m + count, family = binomial, data = dej)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.6322 -1.0136 -0.1568 1.0592 1.6407
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.351192 1.658052 -0.212 0.8323
type1intensive -0.170583 0.651611 -0.262 0.7935
type2wet -0.107377 1.078726 -0.100 0.9207
perc.for.100m -0.002806 0.026807 -0.105 0.9166
perc.dry.100m -0.010227 0.036982 -0.277 0.7821
perc.wet.100m -0.006486 0.038071 -0.170 0.8647
count 0.345036 0.153811 2.243 0.0249 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 69.315 on 49 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 63.431 on 43 degrees of freedom
AIC: 77.431
编辑 1
Aniko 注意到 type2 和物种之间可能存在相互作用。的确!
glm(formula = count ~ type1 + type2 * species + perc.for.100m +
perc.dry.100m + perc.wet.100m, family = poisson, data = dej)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.0859 -1.1350 -0.1947 0.7109 2.7470
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.357165 0.559987 -0.638 0.52360
type1intensive 0.196699 0.191960 1.025 0.30551
type2wet 0.704769 0.429087 1.642 0.10049
speciessinapis 1.145132 0.306847 3.732 0.00019 ***
perc.for.100m 0.003741 0.008277 0.452 0.65130
perc.dry.100m 0.010952 0.010750 1.019 0.30829
perc.wet.100m 0.007467 0.011596 0.644 0.51960
type2wet:speciessinapis -0.962811 0.394038 -2.443 0.01455 *
编辑 2
glm(formula = count ~ type2 * species, family = poisson, data = dej)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.7080 -1.1617 -0.1582 0.6979 3.1599
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.1542 0.2673 0.577 0.56408
type2wet 0.6821 0.3237 2.107 0.03508 *
speciessinapis 1.1451 0.3068 3.732 0.00019 ***
type2wet:speciessinapis -0.9628 0.3940 -2.443 0.01455 *