我有一个 y ~ x + z + x:z 形式的线性模型。
我对不同类型 SS 的理解主要来自于如何使用 R 中的不同模型比较手动获得 SS。例如,要获得与 z 相关的 III 型 SS,您可以将包含 x 和 x:z 的模型与包括 x、z 和 x:z 的模型。有关此过程的更多详细信息,请参阅此答案。
我将这种模型比较方法(对于 III 型 SS)理解为丢弃不能明确分配给一个术语的任何错误。我可以对缺少单元格的数据执行此方法,并且 R 中 car 包中的 Anova 函数将计算缺失单元格的方差分析表,但我已经阅读了一些地方(例如这里)不应该使用 III 型 SS细胞数据。
- 使用缺少单元格的 III 型 SS 真的是错误的,还是通常不合适,为什么?
- 使用缺少单元格的 III 型 SS 与没有缺少单元格(但仍有不平衡数据)的方差分析表有何不同?
我在 R 中进行了以下模拟,比较了合成数据中不同模式缺失观察的 I 类错误率(平衡,观察完全随机缺失,细胞完全随机缺失,细胞和观察都随机缺失,都具有相同的数字观察)。从结果来看,我认为在缺少单元格的数据上使用 III 型 SS 没有问题。任何数据集似乎都没有违反 I 类错误率。
对于一次运行,我得到了以下观察到的 I 类错误率:
intercept effect A effect B
balanced .056 .058 .039
missing obs .052 .052 .039
missing cells .050 .055 .044
missing obs and cells .056 .050 .049
在不同的设置中,我为 B 添加了主效应,并且功率和观察到的 alpha 水平似乎都不受缺失细胞的影响。
library(car) # for Type III SS
# Data properties (simulation may not work if changing these)
nLevelsA <- 5
nLevelsB <- 5
nreps <- 5
factA <- rep(1:5, times = nLevelsA*nreps)
factB <- rep(1:5, each = nLevelsB*nreps)
cell <- factor(paste(factA, factB, sep = ""))
nSims <- 1000 # Number of repetitions of the simulation
# Empty output objects
mod1P <- matrix(rep(NA, times = nSims * 3), ncol = 3)
mod2P <- matrix(rep(NA, times = nSims * 3), ncol = 3)
mod3P <- matrix(rep(NA, times = nSims * 3), ncol = 3)
mod4P <- matrix(rep(NA, times = nSims * 3), ncol = 3)
# Create four datasets, all based on the same values, but different patterns of cell counts
for(i in 1:nSims){
myData0 <- data.frame(y = rnorm(nLevelsA*nLevelsB*nreps, 0, 1), A = factA, B = factB, cell = cell)
# Use this to add a main effect for B
# for(m in 1:nLevelsB){
# myData0[which(myData0$B == m), 1] <- myData0[which(myData0$B == m), 1] + m
# }
# Randomly remove one observation from each cell
myData1 <- myData0
for(j in 1:length(levels(cell))){
# randomly pick one row from each cell
rowNums <- 1:nrow(myData1)
rowToDrop <- sample(rowNums[which(myData1$cell == levels(cell)[j])], 1)
myData1 <- myData1[-rowToDrop, ]
# Randomly remove observations without regard to cell
myData2 <- myData1[sample(1:nrow(myData0), nrow(myData1), replace = FALSE), ]
# Randomly empty cells from balanced data
myData3 <- myData0
cellToDrop <- sample(levels(myData0$cell), 5)
for(k in 1:length(cellToDrop)){
myData3 <- myData3[which(myData3$cell != cellToDrop[k]), ]
# Randomly empty cells from unbalanced data
myData4 <- myData0
cellToDrop <- sample(levels(myData0$cell), 3)
for(l in 1:length(cellToDrop)){
myData4 <- myData4[which(myData4$cell != cellToDrop[l]), ]
myData4 <- myData4[sample(1:nrow(myData4), nrow(myData1), replace = FALSE), ]
# nrow(myData0 # basis to start with to get the same number observations in each other dataset
# nrow(myData1) # balanced
# nrow(myData2) # observations missing at random
# nrow(myData3) # cells missing at random
# nrow(myData4) # cells and observations missing at random
# xtabs(~ A + B, data = myData0)
# xtabs(~ A + B, data = myData1)
# xtabs(~ A + B, data = myData2)
# xtabs(~ A + B, data = myData3)
# xtabs(~ A + B, data = myData4)
mod1 <- lm(y ~ A + B, data = myData1)
mod2 <- lm(y ~ A + B, data = myData2)
mod3 <- lm(y ~ A + B, data = myData3)
mod4 <- lm(y ~ A + B, data = myData4)
# P-values for intercept, factor A, and factor B
mod1P[i, ] <- Anova(mod1, type = 3)$'Pr(>F)'[1:3]
mod2P[i, ] <- Anova(mod2, type = 3)$'Pr(>F)'[1:3]
mod3P[i, ] <- Anova(mod3, type = 3)$'Pr(>F)'[1:3]
mod4P[i, ] <- Anova(mod4, type = 3)$'Pr(>F)'[1:3]
# Count how many times a significant test result is found
p1 <- mod1P <= .05
p2 <- mod2P <= .05
p3 <- mod3P <= .05
p4 <- mod4P <= .05
# Get proportion of times a significant test result is found
pobs1 <- apply(p1, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) / nSims
pobs2 <- apply(p2, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) / nSims
pobs3 <- apply(p3, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) / nSims
pobs4 <- apply(p4, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) / nSims
# Proportion of experiments observed as significant at 0.05 level.
# Intercept, then factor A, then factor B
pobs1 # balanced
pobs2 # observations missing at random
pobs3 # cells missing at random
pobs4 # cells and observations missing at random