如果我们添加一百个新点并使用我们的 SVM 对它们进行分类,我们会得到:
我使用 Python 来实现上述想法。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn import svm
# Your data
data = [
[ 0.7490599550363091 , 9.24443743612264 , 0],
[ 4.12034765121126 , 8.885539916739752 , 0],
[ 7.6539862433328665 , 9.612037680925432 , 0],
[ 7.914094745271155 , 0.9253511681985884 , 0],
[ 8.994538029638242 , 0.5077641947442704 , 0],
[ 9.371974940345583 , 9.608153819994236 , 0],
[12.320128383367402 , 6.088728506174032 , 0],
[12.411426660363531 , 4.715352126892222 , 0],
[12.558352293037347 , 11.229593835418646 , 0],
[13.114336626127825 , 5.703722810531428 , 0],
[13.381386496538893 , 9.854563219073547 , 0],
[13.886274645038084 , 8.480251836234228 , 0],
[14.13510342320811 , 6.595572357695316 , 0],
[14.463275899337807 , 9.915985760466931 , 0],
[15.05984795641495 , 7.296033868971857 , 0],
[ 3.096302985685499 , 6.907935469254409 , 1],
[ 4.878692156862327 , 7.159379502874164 , 1],
[ 7.4911533079089345 , 8.366972559074298 , 1],
[ 7.986689890548966 , 3.89506631355318 , 1],
[ 8.498712223311847 , 4.883868537295852 , 1],
[ 9.869150457208352 , 5.679125024633843 , 1],
[10.527327159481406 , 2.3884159656508306 , 1],
[10.671071331605198 , 7.848836741512311 , 1],
[12.788477939489049 , 3.1497246315161327 , 1],
[12.86531503216689 , 7.524534353757313 , 1],
# Load data into numpy
data = np.array(data)
# Separate data into x and y values; predictors and observations
data_x = data[:,0:2] # x-value/predictor
data_y = data[:,2] # y-value/observation
# In these "learning" style problems you often want to avoid over-fitting, so
# it might make sense to split your data into training and test sets. Here we
# simply use all data as the training data.
x_train = data_x[:,:]
y_train = data_y[:]
# Using the RBF (radial basis function) kernel with an SVM projects the points
# into a higher-dimensional space where a clean boundary is possible and then
# lowers that boundary back into the space the points live in.
model = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=1e6)
model.fit(x_train, y_train)
def plot_model(data_x, data_y, predict_x=None, predict_y=None) -> None:
# Let's plot some stuff
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 7))
# Create grid to evaluate model
xx = np.linspace(-1, max(data_x[:,0]) + 1, len(data_x))
yy = np.linspace(0, max(data_x[:,1]) + 1, len(data_x))
YY, XX = np.meshgrid(yy, xx)
xy = np.vstack([XX.ravel(), YY.ravel()]).T
# Assigning different colors to the classes
colors = data_y
colors = np.where(colors == 1, '#8C7298', '#4786D1')
ax.scatter(data_x[:,0], data_x[:,1],c=colors)
if predict_x is not None:
assert predict_y is not None
colors = predict_y
colors = np.where(colors == 1, '#8C7298', '#4786D1')
ax.scatter(predict_x[:,0], predict_x[:,1],c=colors,s=4)
# Get the separator
Z = model.decision_function(xy).reshape(XX.shape)
# Draw the decision boundary and margins
ax.contour(XX, YY, Z, colors='k', levels=[-1, 0, 1], alpha=0.5, linestyles=['--', '-', '--'])
# Highlight support vectors with a circle around them
ax.scatter(model.support_vectors_[:, 0], model.support_vectors_[:, 1], s=100, linewidth=1, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k')
plot_model(data_x, data_y)
# Generate some previously-unseen data
new_x = np.random.uniform(low=min(data_x[:,0]), high=max(data_x[:,0]), size=(100,1))
new_y = np.random.uniform(low=min(data_x[:,1]), high=max(data_x[:,1]), size=(100,1))
new_data = np.hstack((new_x, new_y))
predictions_for_new_data = model.predict(new_data)
plot_model(data_x, data_y, new_data, predictions_for_new_data)