我应该积分微分方程和为了模拟轨道运动。我用的微分方程是二阶并且是第一顺序。最终目标是绘制图表,,我可能会在 python 中使用 matplotlib。我想知道是否有事先了解轨道和 Runge-Kutta 的人可以让我知道我的代码哪里出错了?它编译没有错误,但没有返回我期望的值。这是我的代码,其中包含描述地球轨道的参数:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define N 3 /* number of first order equations */
#define dist 0.00001 /* stepsize in t*/
#define MAX 1 /* max for t */
#define MAXTHETA 2*M_PI
FILE *output; /* internal filename */
void runge4(double x, double y[], double step);
double f(double x, double y[], int i);
int main()
double t, y[N];
int j;
void runge4(double x, double y[], double step); /* Runge-Kutta function */
double f(double x, double y[], int i); /* function for derivatives */
output=fopen("kepler.rtf", "w"); /* external filename */
y[0]= 1.02343552273569; /* initial position */
y[1]= 6.18068911; /* initial velocity */
y[2] = 0; /* initial angle */
fprintf(output, "0\t%f\t%f\n", y[0], y[2]); /* prints time and position */
for (j=1; j*dist<=MAX ;j++) /* time loop */
runge4(t, y, dist);
fprintf(output, "%f\t%f\t%f\n", t, y[0], y[2]); /* prints time, position, theta */
void runge4(double x, double y[], double step)
double h=step/2.0, /* the midpoint */
t1[N], t2[N], t3[N], /* temporary storage arrays */
k1[N], k2[N], k3[N],k4[N]; /* for Runge-Kutta */
int i;
for (i=0;i<N;i++) t1[i]=y[i]+0.5*(k1[i]=step*f(x, y, i));
for (i=0;i<N;i++) t2[i]=y[i]+0.5*(k2[i]=step*f(x+h, t1, i));
for (i=0;i<N;i++) t3[i]=y[i]+ (k3[i]=step*f(x+h, t2, i));
for (i=0;i<N;i++) k4[i]= step*f(x+step, t3, i);
for (i=0;i<N;i++) y[i]+=(k1[i]+2*k2[i]+2*k3[i]+k4[i])/6.0;
double f(double x, double y[], int i)
double k = 39.4784176044, m = 0.000003003, h = 0.00000300299, l = 0.0000188781;
if (i==0) return(y[1]); /* derivative of first equation (dr/dt)*/
if (i==1) return((-k/(m*y[0]*y[0])) + (l*l)/(m*y[0]*y[0]*y[0])); /* derivative of second equation (d^2r/dt^2) */
else return(h/(y[0]*y[0])); /* derivative of theta (d(theta)/dt) */
我用于位置的二阶微分方程,, 是:
在哪里和是系统中两个物体的质量,方程中的质量项为是减少的质量。所有参数的单位都是 AU、年和太阳质量。如果有人能指出我正确的方向,那就太棒了。