我建议从测量 的gmp
世界上一些最重要的算法和性能优化专家为. 这是一个成熟的库做出了贡献。一般来说,我会对试图与这样的图书馆竞争持谨慎态度。事实上,OP 链接的论文中描述的 Paul Zimmermann 的 Karatsuba 平方根算法正是gmp
Yves Bertot、Nicolas Magaud 和 Paul Zimmermann,“GMP 平方根的证明”,自动推理杂志,卷。29,第 3-4 期,2002 年 9 月,第 225-252 页(在线稿件)
相对较短的操作数可能会产生大量开销。x86_64 硬件上超过几百个周期的执行时间将表明这一点,并提供尝试自制版本的动力。
由于 OP 专门要求“黑客”,我做了一个快速的实验黑客代码,用于先前关于 32 位整数平方根到 128 位版本的答案的答案。在我的英特尔至强 E3 1270v2(常春藤桥)上,使用英特尔 C 编译器版本 完全优化编译的代码,我测量了大约 440 个周期的执行时间。由于处理器和编译器在过去 7 年中都取得了进步,这无疑应该提供可实现执行时间的上限。
在工具链提供原生 128 位整数类型的情况下,应该使用它来代替我的 128 位仿真。此外,可以使用更好的起始近似值,减少完全准确所需的牛顿迭代次数。x86_64
在标准数学库实践中,平方根通常通过倒数平方根的 Newton-Raphson(二次收敛)或 Halley 迭代(三次收敛)计算,因为这些迭代无需除法,只需要乘法。但是,以一种健壮的方式制作这样的实现将花费更多的时间,而不是我目前可以负担得起的投资答案。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define MODE_INCR (1)
#define MODE_DECR (2)
#define MODE_RANDOM (3)
#define BENCHMARK (0)
typedef struct {
uint64_t lo;
uint64_t hi;
} my_uint128_t;
/* lookup table for low-accuracy sqrt approximation */
const uint64_t sqrt_tab[32] =
{ 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL,
0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL, 0x0000000000000000ULL,
0x85ffffffffffffffULL, 0x8cffffffffffffffULL, 0x94ffffffffffffffULL, 0x9affffffffffffffULL,
0xa1ffffffffffffffULL, 0xa7ffffffffffffffULL, 0xadffffffffffffffULL, 0xb3ffffffffffffffULL,
0xb9ffffffffffffffULL, 0xbeffffffffffffffULL, 0xc4ffffffffffffffULL, 0xc9ffffffffffffffULL,
0xceffffffffffffffULL, 0xd3ffffffffffffffULL, 0xd8ffffffffffffffULL, 0xdcffffffffffffffULL,
0xe1ffffffffffffffULL, 0xe6ffffffffffffffULL, 0xeaffffffffffffffULL, 0xeeffffffffffffffULL,
0xf3ffffffffffffffULL, 0xf7ffffffffffffffULL, 0xfbffffffffffffffULL, 0xffffffffffffffffULL
uint32_t clz_128 (my_uint128_t x);
my_uint128_t shl_128 (my_uint128_t x, uint32_t shift);
uint64_t udiv_128_64 (my_uint128_t x, uint64_t y);
my_uint128_t umul_64_128 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
int gt_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y);
uint64_t avg_64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
/* compute integer square root by initial table lookup refined by division-based
Newton iterations
uint64_t isqrt_128 (my_uint128_t x)
my_uint128_t t;
uint64_t q, y;
uint32_t lz, i;
if ((x.hi | x.lo) == 0) return x.lo; // early out
// initial guess based on leading 5 bits of normalized argument
lz = clz_128 (x);
t = shl_128 (x, (lz & ~1));
i = t.hi >> (64 - 5);
y = sqrt_tab[i] >> (lz >> 1);
// 1st Newton iteration
q = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
if (x.hi < y) q = udiv_128_64 (x, y);
y = avg_64 (y, q);
if (lz < 106) { // 2nd Newton iteration
q = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
if (x.hi < y) q = udiv_128_64 (x, y);
y = avg_64 (y, q);
if (lz < 86) { // 3rd Newton iteration
q = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
if (x.hi < y) q = udiv_128_64 (x, y);
y = avg_64 (y, q);
if (lz < 42) { // 4th Newton iteration
q = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
if (x.hi < y) q = udiv_128_64 (x, y);
y = avg_64 (y, q);
if (gt_128 (umul_64_128 (y, y), x)) y--; // adjust quotient if too large
return y; // (int)sqrt(x)
uint32_t clz_128 (my_uint128_t x)
int r = 0;
if (!(x.lo | x.hi)) return 128;
if (!(x.hi & 0xffffffffffffffffULL)) { x.hi = x.lo; r += 64; }
if (!(x.hi & 0xffffffff00000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 32; r += 32; }
if (!(x.hi & 0xffff000000000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 16; r += 16; }
if (!(x.hi & 0xff00000000000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 8; r += 8; }
if (!(x.hi & 0xf000000000000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 4; r += 4; }
if (!(x.hi & 0xc000000000000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 2; r += 2; }
if (!(x.hi & 0x8000000000000000ULL)) { x.hi <<= 1; r += 1; }
return r;
my_uint128_t shl_128 (my_uint128_t x, uint32_t shift)
my_uint128_t r;
if (shift > 127) {
r.lo = 0ULL;
r.hi = 0ULL;
} else if (shift > 63) {
r.lo = 0ULL;
r.hi = x.lo << (shift - 64);;
} else if (shift > 0) {
r.lo = x.lo << shift;
r.hi = (x.hi << shift) | (x.lo >> (64 - shift));
} else {
r = x;
return r;
/* 128/64->64 bit division. Note: Will overflow if x[127:64] >= y */
uint64_t udiv_128_64 (my_uint128_t x, uint64_t y)
uint64_t quot, rem;
__asm__ (
"movq %2, %%rax\n\t"
"movq %3, %%rdx\n\t"
"divq %4\n\t"
"movq %%rax, %0\n\t"
"movq %%rdx, %1\n\t"
: "=r" (quot), "=r" (rem)
: "r" (x.lo), "r" (x.hi), "r" (y)
: "rax", "rdx");
return quot;
/* 64x64->128 bit multiply */
my_uint128_t umul_64_128 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
my_uint128_t r;
"movq %2, %%rax\n\t"
"mulq %3\n\t"
"movq %%rax, %0\n\t"
"movq %%rdx, %1\n\t"
: "=r" (r.lo), "=r" (r.hi)
: "r" (a), "r" (b)
: "rax", "rdx");
return r;
/* macros for multi-word arithmetic */
#define ADDCcc(a,b,cy,t0,t1) (t0=(b)+cy, t1=(a), cy=t0<cy, t0=t0+t1, t1=t0<t1, cy=cy+t1, t0=t0)
#define ADDcc(a,b,cy,t0,t1) (t0=(b), t1=(a), t0=t0+t1, cy=t0<t1, t0=t0)
#define ADDC(a,b,cy,t0,t1) (t0=(b)+cy, t1=(a), t0+t1)
#define SUBCcc(a,b,cy,t0,t1,t2) (t0=(b)+cy, t1=(a), cy=t0<cy, t2=t1<t0, cy=cy+t2, t1-t0)
#define SUBcc(a,b,cy,t0,t1) (t0=(b), t1=(a), cy=t1<t0, t1-t0)
#define SUBC(a,b,cy,t0,t1) (t0=(b)+cy, t1=(a), t1-t0)
my_uint128_t add_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
my_uint128_t r;
uint64_t cy, t0, t1;
r.lo = ADDcc (x.lo, y.lo, cy, t0, t1);
r.hi = ADDC (x.hi, y.hi, cy, t0, t1);
return r;
my_uint128_t sub_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
my_uint128_t r;
uint64_t cy, t0, t1;
r.lo = SUBcc (x.lo, y.lo, cy, t0, t1);
r.hi = SUBC (x.hi, y.hi, cy, t0, t1);
return r;
int gt_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
return (x.hi == y.hi) ? (x.lo > y.lo) : (x.hi > y.hi);
int lt_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
return (x.hi == y.hi) ? (x.lo < y.lo) : (x.hi < y.hi);
int eq_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
return (x.hi == y.hi) && (x.lo == y.lo);
int ge_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
return gt_128 (x, y) || eq_128 (x, y);
int le_128 (my_uint128_t x, my_uint128_t y)
return lt_128 (x, y) || eq_128 (x, y);
/* compute average of a and b rounded towards zero, preventing overflow */
uint64_t avg_64 (uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
return (a & b) + ((a ^ b) >> 1);
From: geo <gmars...@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: sci.math,comp.lang.c,comp.lang.fortran
Subject: 64-bit KISS RNGs
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 04:30:48 -0800 (PST)
This 64-bit KISS RNG has three components, each nearly
good enough to serve alone. The components are:
Multiply-With-Carry (MWC), period (2^121+2^63-1)
Xorshift (XSH), period 2^64-1
Congruential (CNG), period 2^64
static uint64_t kiss64_x = 1234567890987654321ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_c = 123456123456123456ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_y = 362436362436362436ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_z = 1066149217761810ULL;
static uint64_t kiss64_t;
#define MWC64 (kiss64_t = (kiss64_x << 58) + kiss64_c, \
kiss64_c = (kiss64_x >> 6), kiss64_x += kiss64_t, \
kiss64_c += (kiss64_x < kiss64_t), kiss64_x)
#define XSH64 (kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y << 13), kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y >> 17), \
kiss64_y ^= (kiss64_y << 43))
#define CNG64 (kiss64_z = 6906969069ULL * kiss64_z + 1234567ULL)
#define KISS64 (MWC64 + XSH64 + CNG64)
static void error_abort (const char * filename, int line, const char *expr)
fprintf (stderr, "\n%s line %d. Assertion failed: %s\n Aborting.\n",
filename, line, expr);
#define MY_ASSERT(expr)\
int main (void)
const my_uint128_t zero = {0ULL, 0ULL}, one = {1ULL, 0ULL};
my_uint128_t x, arg, t;
uint64_t res;
printf ("Test integer square root sequentially; decrementing\n");
printf ("Test integer square root sequentially; incrementing\n");
printf ("Test integer square root using purely random argument\n");
#error unsupported TEST_MODE
#endif // TEST_MODE
x = zero;
do {
arg.lo = KISS64;
arg.hi = KISS64 & 0x7fffffffffffffffULL;
arg = sub_128 (zero, x);
arg = x;
#endif // TEST_MODE
res = isqrt_128 (arg);
/* Check correctness: res * res must be less than or equal to arg.
(res + 1) * (res + 1) must be greater than arg.
t.lo = res;
t.hi = 0ULL;
MY_ASSERT ((lt_128 (arg, shl_128 (one, 127)) &&
le_128 (umul_64_128 (res, res), arg) &&
gt_128 (add_128 (add_128 (add_128 (umul_64_128 (res, res), t), t), one), arg))
(ge_128 (arg, shl_128 (one, 127)) &&
le_128 (umul_64_128 (res, res), arg) &&
gt_128 (umul_64_128 (res, res), sub_128 (sub_128 (sub_128 (arg, t), t), one)))
if ((x.lo & 0xffffffULL) == 0) printf ("\r%016llx_%016llx", x.hi, x.lo);
x = add_128 (x, one);
} while (!(eq_128 (x, zero)));
#else // BENCHMARK
// A routine to give access to a high precision timer on most systems.
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
#include <windows.h>
double second (void)
static double oofreq;
static int checkedForHighResTimer;
static BOOL hasHighResTimer;
if (!checkedForHighResTimer) {
hasHighResTimer = QueryPerformanceFrequency (&t);
oofreq = 1.0 / (double)t.QuadPart;
checkedForHighResTimer = 1;
if (hasHighResTimer) {
QueryPerformanceCounter (&t);
return (double)t.QuadPart * oofreq;
} else {
return (double)GetTickCount() * 1.0e-3;
#elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
double second (void)
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec * 1.0e-6;
#error unsupported platform
#define N 200000000
int main (void)
my_uint128_t x, zero = {0ULL, 0ULL};
uint64_t r = 0ULL;
int i, k;
double start, stop;
printf ("Running benchmark (%d iterations), please wait ...\n", N);
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
start = second();
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
x.hi = KISS64;
x.lo = r ^ x.hi;
r = isqrt_128 (x);
stop = second();
printf ("r=%016llx\n", r);
printf ("elapsed = %23.16e seconds per isqrt_128\n", (stop-start)/N);
#endif // BENCHMARK