所以我也决定测试一下。我测试了创建时间、执行时间和内存使用情况。我使用了 Nodejs v0.8.12 和在 Mac Book Pro 上运行的 mocha 测试框架,并启动到 Windows 7。“快”的结果是使用原型,而“慢”的结果是使用module模式。我为每种类型的对象创建了 100 万个,然后访问了每个对象中的 4 个方法。结果如下:
c:\ABoxAbove>mocha test/test_andrew.js
Fast Allocation took:170 msec
·Fast Access took:826 msec
state[0] = First0
Free Memory:5006495744
·Slow Allocation took:999 msec
·Slow Access took:599 msec
state[0] = First0
Free Memory:4639649792
Mem diff:358248k
Mem overhead per obj:366.845952bytes
? 4 tests complete (2.6 seconds)
var assert = require("assert"), os = require('os');
function Fast (){}
Fast.prototype = {
getState:function (){return this.state;},
setState:function (_state){this.state = _state;},
getName:function (){return this.name;},
setName:function (_name){this.name = _name;}
function Slow (){
var state, name;
getState:function (){return this.state;},
setState:function (_state){this.state = _state;},
getName:function (){return this.name;},
setName:function (_name){this.name = _name;}
describe('test supposed fast prototype', function(){
var count = 1000000, i, objs = [count], state = "First", name="Test";
var ts, diff, mem;
it ('should allocate a bunch of objects quickly', function (done){
ts = Date.now ();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){objs[i] = new Fast ();}
diff = Date.now () - ts;
console.log ("Fast Allocation took:%d msec", diff);
done ();
it ('should access a bunch of objects quickly', function (done){
ts = Date.now ();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
objs[i].setState (state + i);
assert (objs[i].getState () === state + i, "States should be equal");
objs[i].setName (name + i);
assert (objs[i].getName () === name + i, "Names should be equal");
diff = Date.now() - ts;
console.log ("Fast Access took:%d msec", diff);
console.log ("state[0] = " + objs[0].getState ());
mem = os.freemem();
console.log ("Free Memory:" + mem + "\n");
done ();
it ('should allocate a bunch of objects slowly', function (done){
ts = Date.now ();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){objs[i] = Slow ();}
diff = Date.now() - ts;
console.log ("Slow Allocation took:%d msec", diff);
done ();
it ('should access a bunch of objects slowly', function (done){
ts = Date.now ();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i){
objs[i].setState (state + i);
assert (objs[i].getState () === state + i, "States should be equal");
objs[i].setName (name + i);
assert (objs[i].getName () === name + i, "Names should be equal");
diff = Date.now() - ts;
console.log ("Slow Access took:%d msec", diff);
console.log ("state[0] = " + objs[0].getState ());
var mem2 = os.freemem();
console.log ("Free Memory:" + mem2 + "\n");
console.log ("Mem diff:" + (mem - mem2) / 1024 + "k");
console.log ("Mem overhead per obj:" + (mem - mem2) / count + 'bytes');
done ();
结论:这支持了这篇文章中其他人的发现。如果您不断地创建对象,那么原型机制显然会更快。如果您的代码大部分时间都花在访问对象上,那么module模式会更快。如果您对内存使用很敏感,原型机制每个对象使用的字节数少约 360 字节。