If you have ever seen a Western, you must have noticed that, as the stagecoach changes
speed, the wheel appears to reverse direction even though the coach moves forward. This
is an example of aliasing. The sampling mechanism is the movie camera capturing images
at a frequency of 24 frames/second. The eye acts as a lowpass filter, in the sense that
successive images reaching the eye at a rate exceeding 10 images/second appear as if they
are superimposed. This is called the critical fusion frequency.
Answer the following questions assuming that the wagon wheel is 1.6 m in diameter and has
12 spokes.
(a) Express the true angular velocity of the wheel (in radians/second) as a function of the
coach velocity.
(b) At what set of coach velocities does the wheel appear to reverse direction?
(c) Determine an expression for the apparent angular velocity of the wheel as a function of
the coach velocity.
(d) How many spokes does the wheel appear to have the first time it appears to reverse
direction? The second time? Explain the difference between these two cases.
编辑:我想我想多了(a),它看起来很简单。所以这意味着车轮的角速度只是教练的速度除以车轮的半径,在这种情况下为 0.8 m。